Friday, October 16, 2020

How Many Alphabets are there in Tamil?

 To put into an interactive Sound, Light


MANTRA: (Tamil Alphabets)

CONSONANTS:Tamil has eighteen (6 x 3) Consonants, twelve (6 x 2) vowels and a weapon (ak -trinetra -three dots)

Hard Consonants: ka sa da ta pa ra

Soft Consonants: ngha nggha nhha na ma nha

Eternal Consonants : Ya, ra, la,va,, lha, zha


1.A - as pronounced in [A]mma.

2.AA-(nedil or elongated first lettet) as pronounced in[Aa]rti.

3.I - as pronounced as (E)ngland.

4.II - (nedil or elonagted third letter) as pronounced in (ea)ger.A - the first letter stands for negation. Awareness exists in two states, awareness that is not even aware of itself - that is the first state, "A", like a zero; and awareness that is aware of itself, like a zero that is the sum of opposites for ex. (1)+(-1)=0. A small deviation, a small movement - that is the second state. Awareness has these two properties of oneness and manyness.I –(pronounced Yea) is the second letter. It is the desire of the awareness to know itself by splitting into subject and object.


5.U –(pronounced oo) to preserve the desire is called "u". That is preservation(Sristi).

6.UU (nedil or elonagted fifth letter) as pronounced in (oo)ty.Sristi, the creation has not occured in "A" (kuril). Only when "A" desires to manifest itself it becomes an orgasmically elongated "Aa"(nedil). This desire is represented by "I"(kuril). When "I" is fully expressed it becomes"Ii" (nedil) . The desire to preserve that altered state of awareness is "U"(kuril) and "Uu"(nedil).
.Then creation proceeds further through the letters.

7.A + i is E (pronounced ae)

8.EE (nedil of seventh letter)

9.E + a is Ai.

10.A + u is O as pronounced in om

11.OO (nedil or elongated tenth letter)

12.E + u is Au. as pronouned in Avvai

13.Ak is the seed expressed outside itself as an object.Thirteenth letter is called Ak (represented by Three dots as in Trinetras) When awareness is observing a part of itself, the observed part appears to it as if it does not have an awareness. So awareness is creating a non-awareness relative to it in this process. This is represented by "Ak" (or Ayudham). This vowel sound is considered to be of neutral gender, denoting objects which are not experienced the same way as the subject experiences

So creation, preservation and disolution of the object are being mapped by the vowel sounds of the Tamil alphabet.

This completes the formation of the vowel sounds

.YANTRA [form of Kathikeya]The visual form of Tamil language is Lord Karthikeya. He is born on the day of suklapaksha (sixth day of bright half of lunar month) carried by Lord Agni (Manipura Chakra) with six faces (2x6 vowels; 3x6 consonants), wield a vel (spear). His beauty can be well defined as that of sun’s rays and is considered as a war God.

MANDALA [Temples, Art, Music]The mandala or piece of environment where it puts its ownership rights is the adhisthana and encompasses cosmic elements of temples, art, architecture and music.Throughout tamilians life this mandala will act as an auric centre that will store all his karma and the base for many lives that a person has to go through i.e. deep in unconscious] .The effect is now felt in the subtler dimension of consciousness of over 75 million people.

Source: Tamil Pirappu Rahasyam

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