Tamil Nadu Textile Industrialists lost their entire credibilty, few decades before.
We can classify this into two- overall credibilty and workmen credibilty.
- Tamil Nadu is dominant in Spinning sector and knit garment sector. It sources majority of its rawmaterial cotton from Central and Western India. Suppliers has to write of their receivables quite often. Defaulters are from Tamil Nadu. There is a general fear to extend credit to Cotton Spinners from South.
- Few decades before, these Textile Industrialists from Tamil Nadu taken a “concept of Dormitary” from South East Asian nations. They devise a method called “Thirumagal Thirumana Thittam”. It is a novel way of recruting teen age girls and to give only food and stay, without paying monthly salary. They were brain washed that the accumalated amount will be given at the time of parting, on occasion of marriage. Apart from defaulting these amounts, the female workers in dormitories undergo lot of oppressions.
- Once this state, was full of philanthropists who used to provide Colony House, Schools and Hospitals and even Stadiums for their workmen. One can find the quality of work life by reading the above sentence with that of the words used in question.
- There are plenty of skilled and unskilled workers available in Tamil Nadu, if the quality of work life is provided. One needs to think of providing livelihood of their own workmen, rather than bribing factory inspectors and other compliance agencies.
- Yes. I would sound harsh, but Tamil Nadu industrialists should imbibe some humanity and employ local people.
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