Sunday, February 25, 2018

Why the letter "sha" is not present in Tamil language?

 Sage Panini (Sanskrit) visioned three nadis (Sa,Sha,Shaa) emanating from Mooladhara Chakra and Sage Agasthiya (Tamil) identified as one(Sa) considering the energy levels in South Indian climatic conditions. All three nadis are emanating from Mooladhara Chakra.

As you may be aware, "hum" - a malevolent mantra in Tibetian climate is not necessary in South India and "ham" is sufficient.
For south indian climates, Sage Agasthiya distinguished "La" -(one nadi by Sage panini) emanating from Swadhistana Chakra as three nadis la,lha,zha.
Climatic conditions do alter pranic body of habitants.

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