Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Did Brahmin eat non-vegetarian food during the early Vedic period?

 In the earlier period, there are no logistic support available- the food for the region is whatever available nearby depending on landscape- near to hill, forest, land, rivers, seas, deserts etc. It may be standing, walking, flying, moving or swimming.

In early vedic period, not only they ate- the priests performed sacrifices of animals and birds to God/ Goddess.

It is only after the advent of Shramanic religions, between 3rd to 7th century, the Hindu sects reformed to include non- killing ( It was the need of the time)

On the lighter note, to create feud in your group, Are you sure, Mr Meena and/or Pravin are vegetarians?- on the other day they were enjoying fish and chicken during lunch time sponsored during Seminar.

Today, all eat Non-Veg privately - but in their house they do not cook.

There is a proverb:

“Killing is Sin; but Eating will liberate it”

Monday, March 29, 2021

Why does Shaivism promote equality while Vaishnavism promotes Varna system?

 Ruchita Gowda

It is the otherway.

Sri Vaisnavism (not Vaishnavism) promoted equality than Saivism.

The sacred text in Tamil, Nalayira Divya Prabandham (4000 Sacred verses on Perumal) which enlightened Sri Ramajur (where 1000 verses were) composed by Nammalvar. Nammalvar is from Pallar or Devendra Kula Vellalar community.

Not only Nammazhwar, Naththamuni and Ramanujars are all Tamils.

Azhwars are all from various communities from King to a farmer.

Points to Ponder:

Sri Vaishnavism:

The prime objective of Sri Vaishnavism is to uproot Shramanic religions, to spread Bhakti Movement of Azhwars in 7–9th centuries, to spread teachings of Naththa Muni, to spread Vishistadwaitam of Ramanujar in 11th century.

Tools adopted are

  1. non killing of animals/humans to compete with Shramanic religions,
  2. inclusiveness of all communities (Azhwars themselves were from all communities- Kulasekara Azhwar, a King, Nammazhwar, a Devendra Kula Vellalar)
  3. without language/ region barrier ( Chelluru Ayyangars, Mandyam Ayyangars, Habbar Ayyangars in various timelines).

During Bhakti Movement from 7th to 11th Century, Azhwars visited many Vishnu Temples and sung the glory of the Lord and those temples are called Divyadesams.

The sacred text is Nalayira Divya Prabandham (4000 Sacred verses on Perumal) in Tamil.

Not only Nammazhwar, Naththamuni and Ramanujars are all Tamils.

There are no Divyadesam in Kongu, Kolar regions as these were ruled by Ganga Dynasty and Karnataka were ruled by Rashtrakutas/ Chalukyas Empires and come under Chozhas only after 10th century.

Sri Vaishnavism started from Pallavas patronisation in 9th century followed by Chozhas Patronisation of Ramanujar and Habbar Ayyangars in 11th century and went beyond Tipu Sultan’s killing of Mandyam Ayyangars in Sri Rangapattina on Diwali 1773.


1.Hinduisms transformation to resort to Shaktism and “Bali” including Human sacrifices lead to a revolt throughout the subcontinent.

2.Tamil Kingdoms were captured by Kalappirayars (read as Biharis/ Northern Kingdoms) by revolt and Shramanic religions (Buddhism, Jainism, Ajvika) were imposed. The Brahmins were executed, the Princes were Jailed and Endowments to temples were stopped. The period from 3rd to 7th century is the darkest period in Tamil History.

3. As mentioned earlier, Bhakti Movement by 64 Nayanmars and 12 Azhwars revived Saivism, Sri Vaishnavism and replaced Shramanic Religions.

4. Tantric worship is reintroduced in 15th century in a different package of Murugan Worship (Kaumaram)- this time it is through Naths of Shringeri patronised by Vira Sangama Dynasty of Vijayanagara.

Patronisation by Rulers:

The emperors from Sangama Dynasty of Vijayanagara empire are Shaivites (13–15 centuries) and subsequent Dynasties Saluva, Tulu, Aravaitie of Vijayanagara Empire are predominantly Sri Vaishnavites (16- 18 centuries) but secular to other religions as well.

Region wise:

Region North of Cauvery came under the influence of Northern Kingdoms at various point in time. During 15th century occupied by Ganpaths of Odisha.

Due to this, whether it is Shaivism or Sri Vaishnavism (Vadakalai) the influence of Sanskrit and Varna is present to some extent, which is not the case with South of Cauvery, (Thenkalai and Murugan Worship) where the Tamil is given priority. Following non varna system guarantee equality? I do not know.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

What is the population of Telugu speaking people in Tamil Nadu?

 What is the population of Telugu speaking people in Tamil Nadu?

1.95 Cr

Is it a question of Racism?


Is it the disadvantage of forming states, based on linguistics?

No. There is no such an issue in other states except TN. In TN also, the issue is of recent one for a community based politics.

Having a state name based on language, lead to this racism?

1.Geographic boundaries of any State or a Country is not permanent if one looks at the history.

2.Tamils, Telugus and Kannadigas were part of an Empire since 14th century. Telugu dominated regions and Tamil dominated regions were together till 1956.

3.This is created recently by a racist from a film industry. Bengal, Gujarat, Rajasthan and many other states have language name- they do not have such racist outfits.

Here is an example of chronogy of formation of Gujarat State.

Why is Gujarat called Saurashtra?

(Before answering your question, some FAQs;

  1. What is USS? USS refers to United States of Saurashtra.
  2. How many states were there in USS? Over 222 Princely States and 46 Zamins were there. It was not possible to count the states that time and approximated into Sau (100) Rashtra (Princely State).
  3. Where is Peninsula of Kathiawad? Kathiawad Peninsula is mango shaped peninsula region within Gujarat State which housed over 268 States with rich culture. Kathiawad at some point in time also included vast state of Baroda.)

Why is Gujarat called Saurashtra?

  • In 1948 United States of Saurashtra (USS) came into existence with its merger with United States of Kathiawad.
  • In 1949 Integration of Junagarh and four more regions happened with United States of Saurashtra.
  • In 1956, it became part of Bombay state along with Kutch, Vidarbha, Marathwada regions.
  • In 1960, Bombay State was demerged into Gujarat and Maharashtra.
  • Now Saurashtra State is a geographically defined region within the state of Gujarat.

See the complexity in reading it. But think that leader who united these Hazaar Rashtras with India in perfection -


Now answer to your question:

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Did Sangam Tamil sound like Tamil or Malayalam?

 If one see Sangam Literature in Space & Time, it is nothing to do with Malayalam.

It is too specific- of Tamil around Madurai region only.

Time: Most scholars suggest the historical Sangam literature era spanned from c. 300 BCE to 300 CE.

Space: Around Madurai only- no other region of present geographic boundaries of Tamil Nadu can take a claim. Where is the question of Malayalam?

Legends: The Tamil tradition and legends link it to three literary gatherings around Madurai and Kapāṭapuram (Pandyan capitals): the first over 4,440 years, the second over 3,700 years, and the third over 1,850 years before the start of the common era.

Did Palani temple priests at anytime try to oust Sadhguru JV's guru, yogi Palaniswamy because more people visited palaniswamy than the temple. Did palaniswamy really exist and is this story true?

 Did you believe Sankaran Pillai existed? He is a fictional character - like Sivakami in Kalki’s Sivakamiyin Sabadham.

Did you believe Palani Swami existed? He is a fictional character - like Vikraman in Kalki’s Parthibhan Kanavu.

Sri Sri and Rishi Prabhakar were volunteers in TM programs. Sadguru was a teacher of SSY, a product of Rishi Prabhakar’s RSVK in Coimbatore. All do not have any gurus.

Friday, March 26, 2021

How can I surpass Mukesh Ambani in wealth creation?


  1. You may buy out Mukesh Ambanis stake in Reliance Industries.
  2. You may negotiate with the Government to subscribe a substantial stake in LIC.
  3. You may buy stakes in TCS, Infosys, Wipro substantially
  4. You may buy oversees assets.
  5. Last but not least, Check whether Isha founder has another daughter to marry - to make you rich. Your FIL, make you rich with CAGR much higher than Mukesh Ambani. With BJP in power, who knows, you end up in looting Temple assets.

Why is Karnataka not bothered about developing multiple cities like in Maharashtra or Tamil Nadu?

 You mean “developing multiple cities” mean industrial development?

Karnataka as such has its natural beautiful cities in western ghats, river basins etc. It also has IT, Garment, Service industries in Bengaluru and Mysuru.

Why to spoil Karnataka with Manufacturing and polluting industries? If at all any naturally diadvantaged cities need to be developed - the fire has to be with Lingayats and Vokkaligas.

I am reproducing the story of Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu:

Manchester of the South; Light Engineering Powerhouse of India’—these are the usual catchphrases used for Coimbatore, a district in Tamil Nadu (TN) that produces roughly 15 per cent of the country’s cotton yarn, generates 45 per cent of its knitwear exports, and meets half of the domestic pumpsets requirement

At one level the basis for these appellations defies conventional explanation. Coimbatore possesses none of the classic attributes associated with mainstream industrial centres. It has no abundance of mineral wealth to speak of. The Kongunad region of western TN—mainly Coimbatore and Erode districts—is landlocked, surrounded by the Western Ghats and hills on almost all sides. Being far removed from the major ports—Chennai is over 500 km by road, while it is 450 km to Thoothukudi and 190 km to Kochi—Coimbatore enjoys none of the location advantages accruing to Mumbai, Surat, Jamnagar, Kolkata, or Visakhapatnam. Neither has it been strategically positioned like Ahmedabad on major commercial routes connecting the ports with the principal towns of the hinterland.

Historically, the Kongu upland plains may have served as an important gateway for troops and commodity movement over the Ghats through the Palakkad gap. Being in the middle of the southern peninsula also made it a buffer of sorts between the rulers of the great Tamil valley centres and those in the Mysore Deccan and west coast kingdoms. Even these functions were undermined by the thick forest cover and lack of good roads, which meant that the region was sparsely populated right till the early part of the nineteenth century.

Also, never in its history has Coimbatore reaped the concomi tant economic benefits of being a political or administrative headquart- ers like Delhi, Kolkata, and Chennai, a financial capital on the scale of Mumbai or, for that matter, an ancient temple town a la Madurai, Thanjavur, Ramanathapuram, and Kanchipuram.

Last, but not least, Coimbatore’s emergence as one of India’s pre- eminent manufacturing hubs has been brought about not by Nattukottai Chettiars or other traditional mercantile interests but by industrialists of two communities—the Kammavars and Kongu Gounders—whose primary vocation is farming.

That would convey an impression of a region with a wellendowed agroclimatic regime, buttressed by perennial rivers and munificent monsoons. Again, the facts point otherwise.The western zone districts of Coimbatore, Erode, Karur, and Dindigul receive an average annual rainfall of 714 mm, which is not only below the all-India level of 1,190 mm, but even the overall 925 mm figure for TN. Indeed Kongunad lies in a veritable rain-shadow, rendering it the driest region of the state.3 It has also not been blessed by extensive irrigation works of the kind seen in the Cauvery delta or the Vaigai and Tambraparni rivers in the southern Tamil districts.

Unlike the relatively dry and newly settled Kongu country, these systems have been the backbone of a fecund rice-based valley civilization stretching back to their early Chola and Pandya builders,and capable of sustaining two, or even three, crops a year.

How Coimbatore has risen to what it is today, in spite of all its perceived inherent infirmities: More specifically, two main communities that have contributed to its ‘Manchesterization’ and transformation into a land of foundries, machine shops, and engineering units fabricating a whole range of goods from castings, motors, and compressors to pumpsets and wet grinders. If the evolution of Chennai and its neighbourhoods into a major engineering and automotive hub owes a lot to Tamil Brahmin groups like TVS and Amalgamations, the same can be said about the Kammavars and Kongu Gounders vis-à-vis Coimbatore.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Why is the Cholas perhaps were one of the greatest kingdoms of the south and contrary to popular belief of how India has never conquered any country or gone to war?

 Why is the Cholas perhaps were one of the greatest kingdoms of the south and contrary to popular belief of how India has never conquered any country or gone to war?

Ravi Kiran JP

Unfortunately, Indian History is not able to visualise that there exists a world beyond South of Vindhya Sathpura ranges.

Not only Chozhas, many Empires of South conquered several countries in South East Asia through sea fare at various points in history.

I recall only a few from my knowledge:

1.Chera: Chenguttuvan

2.Chozha: Raja Raja Arunmozhi Varman

3.Pallava: Narasimha Varman Vatapi Kondan

4.Vijayanagara Sangama: Prouda Devaraya

5.Pandiya: Kumara Krishnappa Naicker

Kanchi - South Indian University which united Southern Peninsula.

Madurai- Literary Gatherings. The Tamil tradition and legends link it to three literary gatherings around Madurai and Kapāṭapuram (Pandyan capitals): the first over 4,440 years, the second over 3,700 years, and the third over 1,850 years before the start of the common era.

Raja Raja Chozha is a great king who made expedition to South East Asian Countries and highly popular in Tamil History.

There are many successful South Indian Kings, which we are not aware of - Indian history is blind to it.

1.Indian Peninsula Victory over Himalaya in Sangam era:

Tamil epic Silappadikaram tells a lot about Cheran Chenguttuvans (c188–244 CE) military feats- his expedition upto Himalayan ranges defeating his enemies across the ganges and hoisting the Chera flag on Himalayan mountains in Tibet / China.

2.Spreading Hinduism in South East Asian Buddhist Nations:

Raja Raja Chozhan’s glory in 10th-11th century is brought into limelight.

But many may not be aware of subsequent expeditions of Prouda Devaraya’s (Devaraya II) in 15th century and Kumara Krishnappa Naicker’s expedition in 16th century to spread Murugan Worship in Buddhist nations.

Devaraya II conquerred Ceylon to Gulbarga and Orissa to Malabar and levied tributes on Quilon, Ceylon, Pegu, Tenesserim.(present day Sri Lanka, Myanmer and Thailand respectively).

Deva Raya II (r. 1422–1446 CE) was an emperor of the Vijayanagara Empire. The greatest of the Sangama Dynasty Virashaiva rulers, he was an able administrator, warrior, and scholar.

He is a patron to Kannada writers Chamarasa and Kumara Vyasa; Telugu poet Sri Natha; Mathematician and Astronomer Vatasserry Parameshwara Nambhoothiri; Tamil mystic Arunagiri Nathar -all lived a lavish lifestyle.

Deveraya II is the emperor who spread Murugan worship in Tamil and in South Asian Countries with the treaded path of Arunagiri Nathar of Tiruvannamalai.

Unfortunately due to subsequent weak rulers of Sangama Dynasty, Murugan worship failed to take deep roots in South East Asian countries.

Lakkanna, a commander of Deveraya II made an expedition to South and conqured Odisha, Malabar and levied tributes on Quilon, Ceylon, Pegu, Tenesserim.(present day Sri Lanka, Myanmer and Thailand respectively).

A Rule of Southern Peninsula across East to West:

Krishna Devaraya is a famous and able Emperor of Vijayanagara Empire. But the Empire reached its peak and vast during Achuta Deva Rayas regime. He is the only Emperor of recent times (16th century) who ruled entire Southern Peninsula including Ganpath or Present day Odisha.

3. Naicker Rule in Sinhala Country (Kandy today) and Tamil as a court language:

Murugan worship at Kataragama into limelight with another expedition of Kumara Krishnappa Naicker in 16th century. This time, a small polygar of Sithawaka was made as a King of Sinhala Kingdom. Madurai Naicker king made his brother in law Gopala Naidu as a Viceroy.

The Sinhala Kingdom lasted over 3 centuries, well supported by Vijayanagara Empire, Thanjavur, Madurai, Chenji Kingdoms at varios point in time. It withstood European invasions till 1815 and one of the strongest Kingdoms of Sri Lanka.

4.Kanchi is great University than Takshila and Nalanda:

In the history, whatever is destroyed wifully have been declared heritage sites.

Takshila and Nalanda are destroyed Study Centres while Kanchi / Madurai could change the fortunes of its land, and its alummis revenged invading turks, pers and eurs.

Takshila and Nalanda are in the memories brought over centuries hearsay whereas Madurai/ Kanchi have been vibrant with many temples, sects, cultures, innovations and pioneering.

If one has to exclaim contributions, it is Madurai and Kanchi or Kanchipuram in present day Tamil Nadu.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Why did India screw Tamils by abstaining from UNCHR vote instead of voting in favour of UNCHR resolution? Does this imply that India is complicit in committing genocide on Tamil population in Sri Lanka?

 Correct the spelling of abtaining to abstaining.

1.The current Indian Government has no soft corner towards the present Sri Lankan Government.

2.The current Indian Foreign Affairs Minister Subramanian Jaishankar is a Tamil.

3.Indian Intelligent agencies might be having a detailed account than we the public at large have.

Finally, the peace and power share lies within the two communities of the island- neither lies with UNCHR nor with India.

Recall, the internal politics happened in North Eastern Province from 1950–2010.

I got a dream this morning about Lord Venkateswara. What does it mean?

 Realize now that you are on the spiritual path.

You may be worshipping Venkateswara on your own or somebody suggested to worship him in the past.

Lord Venkateswara coming in the early morning implies that your attention/ devotion to him is very much perfect.

Now onwards, you may surrender him to his feet for any material or spiritual pursuits and he will take care of.

You may get up at the same time everyday and repeat his name or hear Vishnu Sahasra Nama.

All the best.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

What is your view on the movie "Asuran"? Does it really reflect the culture of Tamil Nadu?

 Asuran Film won National Award today.

No it was not.

Many may not be knowing, “Asuran” is a film made out of “Sahitya Academy Novel - Vekkai” by Poomani, whose works are set in karisal bhoomi or the semi-arid and rain-fed regions of southern Tamil Nadu.

It is not the first time, the region has produced Tamil writers of Magnanimous height, it stands tall and even better than Bengali literary writers.

Unfortunately, they are misunderstood and twisted for dirty Dalit politics by Vetrimaran and Dhanush. K Balachandar also put this region in ugly way for his success.

  1. The novel is written 38 years ago and Film is taken in 2019. What the novel writer says that whatever has shown in the film would not have happened in 3 decades ago, forget about today.
  2. Pallars have been living with dignity. Falling on one’s feet, even for respect, is not Tamil culture. Kudumbamars never do that.
  3. Quote “In the film, Dhanush falls at the feet of every villager. He is also forced to carry chappals. Those are all different stories.
  4. There are no panchami lands (lands reserved for Dalits) in our areas, as shown in the movie.
  5. The film has retained the novel’s larger framework, but developed its own story. My friends advised me to keep quiet, because if I had said anything then, it would have embarrassed the film crew.” Unqoute
  6. He quotes on The other changes made in the film “Even the cultural language of the novel has been changed. The book has sharp and short dialogues: those are missing in the film.
  7. Many more characters are murdered in the film. And the film has murdered the novel.”Unquote
  8. Quote “Vekkai is not a Dalit novel. It centres on the agony of a teenage boy and in my book I have not given the boy a caste identity. The idea of a Dalit identity is imported from Maharashtra.
  9. On asking Then what is the way out for communities seeking to liberate themselves from the clutches of oppressors?
  10. Liberation from what? There was caste even before the time of the Mahabharata. It is intricately woven into the culture of the country. It came from the temple tradition. How do you achieve liberation? By breaking statues? Don’t forget that in some places, the scheduled castes are the oppressors.
  11. Vekkai, translated into English as Heat, was the first novel that the Sahitya Akademi-winning Tamil writer Poomani wrote. The heat that his book generated can be felt even now, 38 years after it was published. It was translated into English by N. Kalyan Raman last year. And a few months ago, it was made into a film, Asuran, directed by Vetrimaaran.

Poomani, 77. Three of his novels made into films.

Overall: Exaggregated and misleading.

Media is misleading youngsters of this generation. Before 1990s, everyone is poor, including so called oppressive classes. Jobs are scarce. But there was greater understanding among castes and treated with mutual respect.

Taking cues from somewhere in North India and other states, these people exaggregate and form their own hypothesis to muslead the youngsters. Unfortunately youngsters do not discuss these with their last generation.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

What are some Tamil historical queen names for my girl baby?

 10600 views since May13,2020

Yes. There are many from Goddess to Princesses.

1.Queen Minakshi - She tops the list as Goddess of Madurai as well as the last Regent Queen of Madurai Naicker Kingdom.

2.Andal - She is the second in the list, who married Perumal and her Thiruppavai still vibrates in Tamils tongue during Marghazhi. She is the Goddess of a king Thirumalai Naicker who ate breakfast only after hearing the offerings done at SriVilliputtur. She still rules Tamil Nadu as her Srivilliputtur temple tower pointing to the cosmos is the state emblem of TN state.

3.Kundavai Nachiar- She is the Chola Princess and daughter of Parantaka Chozha and an elder sister of Raja Raja Chozha.

4.AmmangaDevi- She is the perfect fit. Princess: Daughter of Rajendra Chozha, Queen: of Eastern Chalukya King Rajaraja, Mother of Rajendra Chozha Kulottunga.

5.Rani Mangammal- Mother of Vijaya Ranga Chokkanatha Naicker and a great administrator still remembered for Rani Mangammal Salai (NH7) which was constructed earlier by her.

Five great names to make them mentors for your baby girl.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Are Vadamas the only real Brahmins of Tamil Nadu? Are the rest Dalit converts? Does the Brahacharanam sect seem like a mixed race?

 Ayyar is a Tamil Community Name.

Vadama refers to North. North means where? For Tamils, North refers to Andhra, Karnataka, Maharashtra, MP, UP, Uttarakhand, Kashmir etc…

No answer.

Vadamas will not be able to track the roots or do not want to disclose their origin. (Weak basement?)

In TN, the population of Ayyars, Ayyangars and others are about 1%, whereas in states like UP, HP, Uttarakhand the percentage is as high as 20%- if you fell down, one out of five chances, you will be falling on a Brahman. Some brahmins from North (which region?) may be migrated, married locals, created and commanded respect among local Iyers and conveniently deleted “h” in Shastri, “h” in Sharma to get the tag of Tamil Brahmin- one of the intellectual community in the world.

On one side Deshahasta Brahmins claim that they are highest order of Brahmins, On the other side, Kashmiri Pandits claim they are the best.Where Vadama stands? Their target is sober Ayyangars.

Dalit converts?- Everyone is proud of their heredity and nothing wrong in it. As per their research, “Devendra Kula Vellaras” are the original farming community in TN. They do not want to be classified as SC and do not want reservation as well.

I recall a recent advertisement of “Amul” based on a tamil hit “Enjoy En Sami” with millions of views:

And our wisdom to the questioner;

In detachment lies the wisdom of uncertainty, in the wisdom of uncertainty lies the freedom from our past, from the known, which is the prison of past conditioning. And in our willingness to step into the unknown, the field of all possibilities we surrender ourselves to the creative mind that orchestrates the dance of the universe. –The Manduka Upanishad

It is a pity, Vadama’s mind is attached like a Landless Laborers instead of following detachment as prescribed by Upanishads.

The successive government dominates only on temples of Hindus, but not on Mazids, Gurdwaras, and churches. Why?

 You are confusing.

The simple truth is that irrespective of religion, few (only few who affiliated to political party netas- INC or BJP) North Indians could not stomach the grandness and wealth of South Indian temples.

One needs to be careful that the political parties made an eye for the treasures- we witnessed several such loots during Islamic and European invasions. You can find several Jewels, golds, diamondd, idols all over the globe, especially in Britain, Germany, Portuguese…

During pandemic, INC leaders from far off MP, Rajasthan, Bihar questioned on why South Indian Temples should have so much Gold while people go hunger in their states etc and Whether Gods asked to hoard gold.

Do not bring, religion to it. If there is any threat it will be from Political power of Hindus of other regions.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Why does every temple have a bell?

 Why does every temple have a bell?

Not only temples, Schools and Colleges also have a bell. All institutions. To maintain discipline. To inform start of a period, end of a period. To inform the discontinuity of current learning, say Biology and switching over to another learning, say Chemistry.

  1. In temples, the bell is ring during performance of a ritual. To inform start of a ritual or end of a ritual.

2. Also, there are bells waiting for your hands to ring, which has inner meaning.

To cite an example for 1, In Tirupati, you hear the Sri Vari Ghanta Naadham or Bell Sound at Night 7.30 to 7.50 pm.

The bell sound (Sri Vari Ghanta Naadham) has a long history dating back to 1592.

Venkatadri Raya of Vijayanagara Empire wanted to shift his capital from Penukonda to Tirumala so that he can worship the deity daily in his temple.

(Little description about the emperor -Venkatadri Raya a.k.a Venkata II 1585-1616 : His reign of three decades saw a revival of the strength and prosperity of the empire, after the empires humiliating defeat at Talikota in 1565. He dealt successfully with the deccan sultans of Bijapur and Golkonda, the internal disorders, promoting economic revival in the country.)

But Lord Venkateswara had other plans.

While discussing his pet project at Tirupati Temple, an eagle came down and taken away his turban (mistaken as flesh). His soldiers followed the eagle to bring back his turban. The eagle finally dropped it in Chandragiri, few Kms away from temple, which became Emperor's place for his pet project.

He shifted his capital to Chandragiri in 1592. He used to take dinner only after feeding ritual of the God is completed. To inform him of the completion of the feeding ritual(neyvedyam) of the Lord, the bell is ring.

This is continuing since then at 19.30 pm till 19.50 pm. The bell sound, called Sri Vari Ghanta Naadham being telecasted in SVBC channel from the temple, live, everyday. One may tune to hear it.

2.Inner Meaning of bell:

When you ring the bell of a temple – not half asleep but with alertness – that creates a discontinuity in your thoughts, a sort of break in the chain of your thoughts, and you become aware of a changed atmosphere.

There is a similarity between the sound of the bell and the sound of OM; in fact there is some inner relationship. The sound of the bell continues charging the temple all the day long and the sound of OM also charges the temple with its vibrations.

No one should enter the temple through that door of doors without ringing the bell, for only through the sound itself can you enter. The uniqueness of a bell is that it keeps resounding long after you ring it, so the resonance keeps sounding as you enter the main entrance. In that sound alone is the key to your entry into the temple.

Through the sound, as it were, you enter into God's abode. The temple is a symbol of God's dwelling. When it is sounding constantly you need not ring the bell, but we have formulated a method with the symbol. When you return from the temple ring the bell again. You have to journey back amidst the reverberating sound. All worship, all prayers start with the ringing of the bell.

The bell in every temple, is meaningful in the sense that it reminds you that if you can become as silent as the bell slowly becomes, after you have hit it – first it is all sound, then slowly the sound dies – then the soundlessness enters in. People hear only the sound; then they have not heard the bell. You should hear the other part too. When the sound is dying, disappearing, the soundless sound is appearing, coming in. When the sound has completely disappeared, there is utter soundlessness, and that is what meditation is.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Does Lord kartikeya have a child?

 Over 3000 views since Aug19, 2020

On the lighter note,

1.Lord Murugan had lot of descendants in India, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and all over the Globe. They have their names/ surnames as

Murugan / Bala Murugan


Subramahnyan / Bala Subramanian

Kumaran / Bala Kumaran







2.Recently Suki Sivam was made as a judge to classify these descendants as Tamils and Non Tamils.

3.Suki Sivam made an unprecedanted judgement that Subramahnyans are not Tamils as the name contains Bramahn and exclaimed how a name containing Brahman be a Tamil Name.

Meanwhile Subramanyans, majority are Bank officers, Charted accountants, made an appeal that North Indians do not worship Murugan with any of his name.

4. Not withstanding, Suki Sivam’s punch “ Sami Unnudhu, Poosai Ennudhu” become one of the “trending” punches in year 2019.

5. Thiruma Valavan, a Dalit leader hailed the judgement as the unique and came out with another yardstick that who ever made a vow and taken “Kavadi” are only Pachchai Tamils and remaining are Fair Tamils.

6. In between Simon, claimed that he may be a Syrian Christian but his Muppattan (Great Grand Father’s) name was Murugan.

Lord Murugan was very happy that “Skanda Puranam” ended without mentioning whereabouts of his children.

Alas, he was saved from Tamil Scholars like Suki Sivam, Christians like Simon, Media Pandeys, Karuvakkattu Poet Vairamuttu and the great Karuppar Koottam.

It is really hard time for Tamils keeping any one of Murugans 1000 names.

This is only Murugan Vs Subramanian. Remaining 998 named persons are now clueless whether they will be branded by Suki Sivam as outcasts.

Youngsters are confused and asking the questions as whether Murugan a Tamil God or a Sanskrit God. In Malaysia, Bathu cave Murugan a Malay Murugan. In Kathurkamam, a Sinhala Murugan or a Tamil Murugan?

Then Pandey had a detailed FAQ, with Father of Murugan Constitution and clarified the finer points with Muruga devotees. This You Tube had over million views.


Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Which is the largest temple in India?

 Over 1600 Views since July 2020

Thiruvarangam (Sri Rangam)

The Largest Temple - 156 acres (Deity- Vishnu)

The Tallest Gopuram - 240 feet

No of Entrances or Temple Towers- 21

No of Shrines - over 50

No of Enclosures or Prakaras - 7

Length of Concentric Walls- 32592 feet

Sect - Sri Vaishnavism

Divya Desam- First among 108 (Boologa Vaikundam)

Deity - Self Manifested

Sacrifices- over 13000 Vaishnavites

Reconstruction - 1336 to 1565 (over 200 years)

Tallest Raja Gopuram of 240 feet - 1987 (completed by 200 shilpis continuously working for 8 years after 400 years of Halt in 1542 due to Vijayanagara Empire Achuta Deva Raya’s death)

Politics - Former CM J Jeyalalitha Represented the constituency.

Unique Facts about **Thiruvarangam (Sri Rangam):**

1.The biggest functioning temple of the world is Ranganathaswamy Temple in Sri Rangam Island (Thiruvarangam), and a part of Tiruchirappally, in the state of Tamil Nadu.

2. It is a Vishnu Temple. spread over 156 acres.

3.The temple was built by Chola Empires Dharma Cholan and continued by Killivalavan- Shrine, basic foundations and main bulidings.

4.But the life is not easy. Like Angkor Wat in Cambodia, Sri Rangam was also affected by invasions. But the help came from Tirupati Venkateswara to restore and excel.

5.When Malik Kafur invaded Sri Rangam in 1323. The temple was defended and according to the Tamil tradition some 13,000 Sri Vaishnava devotees of Srirangam, died in the fierce battle. Hoysalas try to liberate Madurai but their king Ballala was killed in a battle. Finally Vijayanagara Emperors liberated, Kanchi, Sri Rangam and Madurai.

6. It took over 200 years (1335 till 1565) to rebuild the temple by Vijayanagara Kings, Madurai Naickers and Thanjavur Naickers.(Bukkaraya, Kumara Kampanna…Lakka Naicker, Chevvappa Naicker………Krishna Devaraya, Achuta Raya) The list is endless.

Additinal tit bits:

7. It is the largest functioning Hindu Temple in the world covering 156 acres.

8. It has seven concentric wall structures called praharms and 21 temple towers and over 50 shrines.

The Sri Ranganathaswamy temple has seven concentric prakaras or walls or enclosures. The total length of these thick walls that create these enclosures is 32,592 feet and run round the sanctum sanctorum. This makes it the only temple in India to have seven enclosures. Seven is regarded as an auspicious number by present day Vaishnava believers. According to them seven number either represents the seven centers of Yoga or the seven elements which make the human body with its center being occupied by the soul.

9.Its RajaGopuram is 240 feet tall is the tallest in Asia. There are 21 gateways to enter.

10. It is also one of the self manifested shrines of Sri Vishnu.

11. It is the major pilgrimage destination of Sri Vaishnavites.

12. It is the first among the 108 Divyadesams of Lord Vishnu.

105 temples out of these 108 are located in India, one in Nepal and two are supposed to be located beyond Earthly realms - Thriupparkadal and Vaikundam.

Sri Rangam is considered as Boologa Vaikundam.

13. Sri Rangam is famous for Sri Ranganatha Swamy Temple. (Antya Ranga)

14.There are three Ranganathaswamy temples - Adi Ranga in Sri Ranga Pattinam -Madhya Ranga in ShivanaSamudra].

15.· Non-hindus are not allowed to enter the gold topped sanctum sanctorum and their entry is restricted to the second prakaram.

16.Tipu, Son of Hyder Ali attacked again, demanding 1 lakh gold coin. This time 500 vaishnavites specially trained to defend averted the attack and Tipu was forced to withdraw forces without any success.

Biggest Temple of the World is existing for over 8 centuries or more not due to kings who loved art, construction, architect. The temple’s Gopurams had a tough time to stand Tall pointing to the sky because of over 13000 vaishnavites who sacrified their lives, devotees who carried Ranganathar to Tirupati, the kings who constructed the temple over 230 years of continuity and the forces who defended Tipu and the British.

Monday, March 15, 2021

Why is Sanskrit only spoken by 0.02% of the Indian population, even though we have a lot of priests and Sanskrit schools?

 Shivam Chaurasia,

  1. Sanskrit is one of the classic languages of this holy land, developed in North West corner of Indian Subcontinent, like another language Tamil, developed in Southern Peninsula Tip.
  2. The beauty of this literary language is that it connected scholars, particularly elite scholors, from distant parts of the Indian subcontinent, from Kanyakumari in Tamil Nadu to LOC in Kashmir and beyond- Gilgit Baltistan; from Arunachal to beyond Kutch.
  3. Down to 0.02% of Native speakers, due to its systematic destruction from its own First Language speakers in Northern and Eastern Parts of the Subcontinent; because of change in political and religious environment in 3rd and 13th century.
  4. However it still enjoys royal patronage from Empires in different point in time as well as Successive Governments after independence.

Here is my version of Sanskrit Story:

The Sanskrit spoken colloquelly is called “1.Laukita” and Sanskrit used in Vedas are “2.Vaidika”. Now both are rare, - unfortunately Indo Aryan language speakers claim what they spoke has its roots in Sanskrit after made the classics RIP.

In order to understand “laukita” better, I am reproducing below the origin and decline of Sanskrit:

1.Natives: Sanskrit was the mother tongue of North West Part of the Indian Subcontinent in the distant past. We can conveniently say, in Aryavardha country (the region of Sindhu river), and/or Kashmir and adjacent regions.

2.Grammer: The grammer was written by Panini in 5th century BCE.

3.Loka and Vedic: The Sanskrit spoken colloquelly is called “Laukita” and Sanskrit used in Vedas are “Vaidika”

4.Too Strict: It is expected that one should learn Grammer First to learn Vedas. These are not followed as many argue, that if I can speak in the world (loka) and can read vedas, what is the need for learning Grammer.

5.Rituals: With the spread of Sanskrit south of himalayas and north of vindhyas, Brahmins adopted the strict grammarian version for rituals. Sanskrit then become the second langauge for Brahmins in the East and the Western regions, leading to dialects with regional accents. Various regional scripts including the Grandha were in use in various geographic regions. Use of Devanagiri is generally used fairly in recent times.

6.New Religions: Shramanic Religions (Budhdhism Jainism and Aseevagam/ Ajvika), developed in the East, stressed the use of Pali, Magadh and Ardhmagadh (collectively we mention as Prakrit). With the dominance of Maurya Empire, these religions put Kshatriyas dominance over Brahmins. Ardhmagadh is considered as the superior langauge than Sanskrit.

7.Revolt: The spread of the new religions, set the revolt through out the country in 3rd century. The endownments to temples were stopped and the Brahmins were excuted. Prakrit was made compulsary as Court language. The literary work in classic languages Tamil and Sanskrit come standstill. Especailly in South, people were clueless who were the rulers and from where they come- and the period from 3–7 th century is the darkest period in Tamil History.

8.Resurrection Efforts: With the Bhakti Movement and efforts of 64 Nayanmars and 12 Azhvars in Tamil countries, the spread of Saivism and the new found Sri Vaisnavism took deep roots in 7th century. They converted a Pallava ruler and made Sanskrit and Tamil as court languages of Kanchi.

9.Replication: Similar efforts were made and Sanskrit become again the Court language of kingdoms in North. Prakrit is considered as low commoner language by the Brahmins.

Not withstanding, Ardhmadh gave birth to languages like (now Second widely spoken) Bengali in the eastern region.

10.Actual Decline: But the actual decline of Sanskrit started with the fall of Kashmir around the 13th-century, a premier center of Sanskrit literary creativity, Sanskrit literature there disappeared. This coincides with the beginning of Islamic invasions of the Indian subcontinent to create, thereafter expand the Muslim rule in the form of Sultanates and later the Mughal Empire.

11.Refugee: During the same time, Hinduism has reached its peak in Tamil Country. With the new Temples built, Old Temples expanded using Dravidian Architect during 300 year rule of Hindu Vijayanagara and Naicker Empires in Tamil Country (13th to 17th Century). Conservative Hindus found it as a safe place. In order to preserve Sanskrit, the ruling Kings introduced Sanskrit hymns and verses in Towering Temples ( Sanskrit Schools within Temple Premises) in addition to Tamil holy texts (like Nalyayira Divya Prabhandam, Tevaram, Thiru Pugazh etc). This is the reason we have a lot of Sanskrit Schools and Sanskrit Priests in TN, as you have mentioned in your question. At the time of independance Madras State had the highest Sanskrit First language speakers (though miniscule in %). Though their pronounciation lead to another peculiar dialect with tamil (still confusing with Ka, Kha, Ga, Gha…)or telugu accent. The migration of Tamil Ayyers lead to Palakkad dialect and Habbar Ayyangars migration to Karnataka lead to another dialect.

12.Cultural Bond: Whether one accept it or not, Sanskrit created a cultural bond across the subcontinent even with never bothered various laukita dialects and in future also it will continue to do so.

However it connected scholars, particularly its elite scholors, from distant parts of the Indian subcontinent, from Kanyakumari in Tamil Nadu to LOC in Kashmir and beyond- Gilgit Baltistan?

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Which Southern Indian kingdom expands beyond South India?

 Raja Raja Chozhan Arun Mozhi Varman is a great Tamil Emperor who made expedition to South East Asian Countries and highly popular in Tamil History.

Unfortunately, Tamil History is not able to visualise beyond him, as many of them are confined in present geographic boundaries and with a narrow perspective.

Not only Chozhas, many Empires of South conquered several countries in South East Asia through sea fare at various points in history.

I recall only a few from my knowledge:

1.Chera: Chenguttuvan

2.Chozha: Raja Raja Arunmozhi Varman

3.Pallava: Narasimha Varman Vatapi Kondan

4.Vijayanagara Sangama: Prouda Devaraya II

5.Pandiya: Kumara Krishnappa Naicker

There are many successful South Indian Kings, which we are not aware of - Indian history is blind that there exists a world beyond South of Vindhya.

1.Indian Peninsula Victory over Himalaya in Sangam era:

Tamil epic Silappadikaram tells a lot about Cheran Chenguttuvans (c188–244 CE) military feats- his expedition upto Himalayan ranges defeating his enemies across the ganges and hoisting the Chera flag on Himalayan mountains in Tibet / China.

2.Spreading Hinduism in South East Asian Buddhist Nations:

Raja Raja Chozhan’s glory in 10th-11th century is brought into limelight.

But many may not be aware of subsequent expeditions of Prouda Devaraya’s (Devaraya II) in 15th century and Kumara Krishnappa Naicker’s expedition in 16th century to spread Murugan Worship in Buddhist nations.

Devaraya II conquerred Ceylon to Gulbarga and Orissa to Malabar and levied tributes on Quilon, Ceylon, Pegu, Tenesserim.(present day Sri Lanka, Myanmer and Thailand respectively).

Deva Raya II (r. 1422–1446 CE) was an emperor of the Vijayanagara Empire. The greatest of the Sangama Dynasty Virashaiva rulers, he was an able administrator, warrior, and scholar.

He is a patron to Kannada writers Chamarasa and Kumara Vyasa; Telugu poet Sri Natha; Mathematician and Astronomer Vatasserry Parameshwara Nambhoothiri; Tamil mystic Arunagiri Nathar -all lived a lavish lifestyle.

Deveraya II is the emperor who spread Murugan worship in Tamil and in South Asian Countries with the treaded path of Arunagiri Nathar of Tiruvannamalai.

Unfortunately due to subsequent weak rulers of Sangama Dynasty, Murugan worship failed to take deep roots in South East Asian countries.

Lakkanna, a commander of Deveraya II made an expedition to South and conqured Odisha, Malabar and levied tributes on Quilon, Ceylon, Pegu, Tenesserim.(present day Sri Lanka, Myanmer and Thailand respectively).

A Rule of Southern Peninsula across East to West:

Krishna Devaraya is a famous and able Emperor of Vijayanagara Empire. But the Empire reached its peak and vast during Achuta Deva Rayas regime. He is the only Emperor of recent times (16th century) who ruled entire Southern Peninsula including Ganpath or Present day Odisha.

3. Naicker Rule in Sinhala Country (Kandy today) and Tamil as a court language:

Murugan worship at Kataragama into limelight with another expedition of Kumara Krishnappa Naicker in 16th century. This time, a small polygar of Sithawaka was made as a King of Sinhala Kingdom. Madurai Naicker king made his brother in law Gopala Naidu as a Viceroy.

The Sinhala Kingdom lasted over 3 centuries, well supported by Vijayanagara Empire, Thanjavur, Madurai, Chenji Kingdoms at varios point in time. It withstood European invasions till 1815 and one of the strongest Kingdoms of Sri Lanka.

Saturday, March 13, 2021

What could be the gravity of Sin incurred by the Government as per the Vedas & Shastras if they were to extort Money, Lands and assets from temples across India, when the Kshatriyas used to Donate generously before the Government rule came in India?

 1.There is no Sin incurred by the Government.

“Makkal Theerpe Mageshan Theerppu”

2. Religion and Politics are intertwined. It changed over time and in regions. Vedas and Shastras have no role in it- if at all it has to be weighed with time and place.

3.Temples and its assets, land and money are safe in the hands of Government. Administration should be made effective taking into the suggestion of its stake holders.

4. Indians, already suffered in the hands of Privitization of Education and lost their assets, land wealth, livelihood for their kids education to handful of people with political affiliations.

We do not want Privitization of temples, ceding into the hands of God Men or Religious Goons.

1.Contrary to popular belief, rulers made the temples as a economic power house in the past, of providing education, medicine, art, employment, construction - entire economic cycle in itself.

2. Temples with no ownership of lost rulers, lost ownership, owners with no heirs, temples in which invaders found it as a golden goose -went into the hands of Government. There are millions of temples, where the ownership is private- managing temples lies with a family or a community. Government has no business in interfering in it.

3. Do not believe political parties to make you ill minded. One National Party, which does not have any base, took this agenda along with a Godman in South to cede the temple control to priests and religious goons and the same party ruling a North Indian State took Government control of over 51 popular shrines. Political Parties think about how to create easy wealth for their party men- in the name of allocating lands for education or take out from temples- even go to the extent of providing liquor to its citizens.

Thursday, March 11, 2021

How many members are Telugu people

 In India:

1.Telugu is the fourth most spoken language after Hindi, Bengali and Marathi in India.

2.Andhra Pradesh and Telangana are the Principal resident states for Telugu people with over 7.5 Crore Speakers.

3.Tamil Nadu, Pondicherry and Karnataka are the Secondary resident states for Telugu people with 37 lakh Speakers. This is due to their presence in erstwhile Madras State and after formation of linguistic states, they are invisible of not learning their mother tongue in Schools. Now it is difficult to assess the exact numbers. See a case study of Telugu Presence in Madras Presidency at the end.

4. In TN Northern Districts and Pondicherry, the presence of Telugu people dates back to 2nd Century and constitute the majority of the population in Chennai city with around 49% of the people identifying their Telugu speaking connections directly. Telugu people who migrated during the Vijayanagara period have spread across several southern and kongu districts in addition to Northern districts. In Karnataka, Telugu people are predominantly found in the border districts with majority in Bangalore city.

5.In Maharashtra, the Telugu population is over 14 lakh, followed by 7 Lakh in Odisha. Other states with significant populations include West Bengal and Chhattisgarh with 200,000 and 150,000 respectively.

In Overseas:

6.The overseas Telugu diaspora numbers more than 800,000 in the United States, with the highest concentration in Central New Jersey, Texas, and California.

7.Other than US, Indian diaspora of Telugu origin are found widespread, especially in the Malaysia, Myanmer, South Africa, Australia and Canada.

8.Telugu language is the 4th most spoken in the India and the 15th most spoken language in the world.

A case study: Telugu Presence in Madras Presidency From 1901 - 2001 and further

According to 1901 census of Madras Presidency,

Tamils: 50.9%



Obviously, this excludes Telugus in Hyderabad Princely State.

According to 2001 census of Tamil Nadu,

Tamil is spoken as the first language by 88.43% of the population.This may be including some Telugus in some districts who are not able to read or write Telugu and chosen Tamil as the first language.

Telugu by 5.65 percent,

Kannada by 2.68 percent

Malayalam by 0.89 percent,

Marathi by 0.1 percent

Sourashtra by 0.1 percent.

Tamil Imposition:

The Telugu Kings who ruled, Tamil Country for 3 to 4 centuries, never imposed Telugu. They used to continue Tamil inscriptions and Tamil as one of the court language. In Tirupati, one can find Tamil inscription till Vijayanagara Rule upto 1638 and Telugu Grammiya scripts found place after Maraththa invasion in 1671.

But after independence, successive Governments in Tamil Nadu imposed Tamil in schools, because of this Telugus in Tamil Nadu are not able to Read or Write Telugu. Without utility of Telugu, later generations in many districts have to logically wrote Tamil as their mother tongue, become experts and love Tamil literature, arts and culture. Invisibilty is the major factor in drop in percentage.

How much the drop is?

If we consider 1935 census of those districts of Madras State, which now under Tamil Nadu, then the Percentage would be 12.9%. The concentration is in Coimbatore, Salem, Madurai, Chengalput, North Arcot, Trichy, Ramnad, South Arcot,Tirunelveli, Chennai, Tanjore, Pudukkottai.

Based on these, We can infer the percentage of Telugu people in TN would be anywhere between 5.7 to 12.9%

But the twist is

According to Deomographic enumeration in 2013 by an NGO, in assessing invisibilty, Telu(n)gu origin people are about 27%, that is 1.95 crores out of 7.2 crore population.

If we consider 27%, still it is a considerable figure to change the fortunes of Tamil Nadu in the forth coming elections. That is the reason, all parties try to impress Telugu people for their votes.

Over and above, Telugus, especially Kammavar Naidus are most affluent and progressive community with lot of industrialists and philanthropists. (Same is told about Reddiars in Pondicherry).

More so in following districts:

Be it Chennai /Thiruvallur/ Kanchipuram

Or Coimbatore

Or Madurai/ Theni/ Tiruchi

Or Krishnagiri/ Vellore/ Dharmapuri

Or Virudhunagar/ Thooththukkudi

District names mentioned should be read with reference to the year mentioned in the write up.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Many people are in search of the Native temples in Tamil Nadu. How to discover and reconnect the native temples of ancestors?

 I understand the timing of your question. You missed Maha Shivratri worship of your Kula Deivam.

1.Ask your parents, in which village your fathers’ ancestors lived.

2.If they are not knowing, ask someone in your kulam - uncles / aunts, grand uncles/ aunts, some elder know your family from your region.

3.If you find out your ancestors village, go to the village, meet the persons in your community, tell your family name if there is one.

4.You will get the name of the deity and the location of the temple.

Kuladeivam is believed to have some attributes or bodily memories of your lineage. By visiting his temple atleast once in a year, you will be getting the energy vibrations of your lineage which will clear of all your obstacles in life.

It is a custom to visit the temple before your marriage; before constructing a house; with your parents; with your children; with your brothers. You go with your problem, you will get a solution.

Why is there a sudden hype to Shivaratri in Tamil Nadu in the past few years?

 Vijay C

I do not know, which city you born.

For centuries, Shiv Ratri is a hyped festival in Tamil Countries. When a family man faces challenges or frozen what to do - he thinks of his father or his lineage and his village.

Always, Tamils who migrated from their villages, its a hyped festival. Locals always look for meeting their dear and relatives.


You may further read-

Why Tamil Hindus celebrate Maha Shiv Ratri?

  1. It is a tradition in Tamil Nadu to visit Kula Deivam temple in their ancestral villages on this auspicious day.
  2. Though every month has Shiv Ratri, the one coming in Feb-Mar is called Maha Shiv Ratri.
  3. On this day, it is a belief, that the moon to earth, earth to sun positions enhances the energy levels to the soul which otherwise will be possible only with rigorous spiritual practices.
  4. Many spiritual masters in this holy land, found the cosmic relation of moon position to earth affects our mind and sun position to earth creates seasons.
  5. On this day, a common man who fasts, does not sleep, sitting with his spines erect is open for tremendous cosmic energy which otherwise will be possible only with rigorous spiritual sadhana.
  6. On this auspicious day, if he stands in front of his Kula Deivam along with his extended family of brothers and their families who shares their bodily memory and unconscious mind - you are standing in a space where your ancestors also worshipped there, the entire lineage is in line with the cosmic energy pull.
  7. Yes.Maha Shiv Ratri is an annual Cosmic Time Space Event which benefits individuals bodily memory in line with Cosmic wisdom.
  8. This is tapping the cosmic energy to our advantage as we believe in “ANDATHTHIL ULLATHU PINDATHTHIL”

What are ways Sivaratri is observed? What are most commonly practiced ways by masses versus what Shiva devotees do on Shivaratri?

 How Masses Practice Sivaratri in Tamil Nadu?

Maha Shivaratri is an important festival in Tamil Nadu.

The origin is not known.

This year it falls on Wed, Tomorrow, 11.3.21.

People alongwith their family, visit their “Kula Deivam” temple in their ancestral village on that day.

It is a Space Time Event. It aligns the energy of you and your lineage with that of your ancestors who worshipped at the same place.

It is a strong belief, by visiting their Kula Deivam temple on that day, your pending wishes will be fulfilled.

You are also happened to meet, few forgotten souls in your lineage on that day, to refresh relations.

We are brought to the moment of interval between destruction and regeneration; when we must contemplate on that which watches the growth out of the decay.

Tamils strongly believe their ancestors are foreseers and each and every celebration is related with social harmony.

Visit your Kula Deivam Temple tomorrow on this auspicious day, and leave the Shiva Worship to his devotees.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

What are the historical and cultural reasons for why there are no Divya Desams in Kongu districts (Coimbatore, Erode, Tirupur, Salem, Karur, Namakkal, Dharmapuri) when there are a lot of Divya Desams in Chola Nadu to its east and Kerala to its west?

 Historic Reasons:

1.Tamil Kingdoms were captured by Kalappirayars (read as Biharis/ Northern Kingdoms) by revolt and Shramanic religions (Buddhism, Jainism, Ajvika) were imposed. The Brahmins were executed, the Princes were Jailed and Endowments to temples were stopped. The period from 3rd to 7th century is the darkest period in Tamil History.

2.Bhakti Movement by 64 Nayanmars and 12 Azhwars revived Saivism, Sri Vaishnavism and replaced Shramanic Religions.

3.What are Divyadesams? During Bhakti Movement from 7th to 10th Century, Azhwars visited many Vishnu Temples and sung the glory of the Lord and those temples are called Divyadesams. The sacred text is Nalayira Divya Prabandham (4000 Sacred verses on Perumal).

4.Ganga Dynasty was ruling Kongu region from 5th to 10th century. They were supported by Chalukyas and Rashtrakutas who are foes to Chozhas during that time. Azhwars never visited these regions.

5.Kongu region came under Chozhas during 11th century. Ramanujar, founder of Vishistadvaitam did visit many Sri Vaishnavism Temples in Kongu region during Chozha regime.

6.Karamadai Perumal Temple, is visited by Ramanujar during 11th century and it follows rituals of Thenkalai Sri Vaishnavism sect, head quartered at Nanguneri. The temple was built by Chozhas and expanded by Tirumalai Naicker in 17th century.Maasi festival is an important festival.

7. In otherwords, Kongu is a Punya Bhoomi, came under Chozhas in 10th century onwards and hence no Divyadesam.

Hope I answered your question with the best of my knowledge.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Is Krishna or Vishnu the main deity in Vaishnavism

 Krishna is the ninth avatar of Vishnu.

  1. South India worship Vishnu or Narayana as their founder, and are followers of Mayonism or Sri Vaishnavism.
  2. While North regard Vasudeva-Krsna as their founder and are followers of Brahmanic Vaishnavism.
  3. The Sanskrit Bhagavata Purana is essentially a Sanskrit "translation" of the bhakti of the Tamil alvars.
  4. Early writings in Tamil culture Sangam literatures, Tholkappiam and epics as Manimekalai and the Cilappatikaram present Mayon / Vishnu. References about Krishna can be only found in Manimekalai and Cilappadikaram, later kappiams.
  5. The Alvars, whose name can be translated "sages" or "saints", were devotees of
    1. Mal -
    2. Tiru Mal-
    3. Sri and Mal-
    4. Sri and her Pati-
    5. Tiru and her Pati -
    6. Tirupati. and there are 108 Tirupatis.
  6. Vaishnavism in the 8th century came into contact with the advaidya doctrine of Adi Shankarar.
  7. Many of the early Sri Vaishnava scholars such as Nathamuni, Yamunacharya and Ramanuja, contested the Advaita Vedanta doctrines and proposed Vishnu bhakti ideas instead.
  8. Sri Vaishnavism flourished in predominantly Shaivite South India during the seventh to tenth centuries CE with the twelve Alvars, (many are non brahmins, including kings and others from all communities) saints who spread the sect to the common people with their devotional hymns. The temples that the Alvars visited or founded ( ritual certifications - present day ISO) are now known as Divya Desams and there are 108 TiruPatis or Divyadesams.
    1. Tirumala Tirupati is one among them and
    2. Yes, worlds largest functioning hindu temple Sri Rangam also one among them and
    3. Richest temple Tiru Anantha Puram included.
    4. Worlds Tallest Temple Gopuram in 1956,(Sri Rangam since 1987) and Tamil Nadu State Emblem, Tiruvilliputtur Andal (who wrote Tiruppavai) temple also one of Divya Desam.
    5. One can find Vishnu in any of these three, lying, sitting and standing positions in Divyadesams.
  9. Their poems in praise of Vishnu in Tamil language are collectively known as Naalayira Divya Prabandham(4000 divine verses).
  10. Many of the Vijayanagara Emperors and their feudatory kings of Madurai, Tanjavur, Checking, Chandragiri, Mysore who ruled South for over three centuries from 14th till 18th century are predominantly Sri Vaishnavites.
  11. Sri Vaishnavism has two sects, Vadakalai (head quartered Kanchi) and Thenkalai(head quartered Nanguneri, Tirunelveli Dist).

How come most of the CMs of Madras Presidency were Telugus, be it from Andhra or present TN? How did Telugus come to dominate Tamils with a lesser population? And they still demanded a separate state!!


  1. There is no ethnic identity, in the history- atleast from 3rd century. 1800 years is too long to differentiate.
  2. In traditional Chera, Chozha and Pandya - only Pandyas before 14th century can claim 100% Agmark Tamils of today.
  3. Malayalam of Chera country got separated 1000 years before.
  4. Chozha except Great Raja Raja and his son Rajendra (he is the emperor who ruled vast Tamil Empire across the Globe), the area is limited.
  5. Kalabhras rule which is the “darkest period of Tamil country” brought it with new religions and new languages.
  6. The Pallava dynasty was an Indian dynasty that existed from 275 CE to 897 CE, ruling a portion of southern India. They gained prominence after the eclipse of the Satavahana dynasty, whom the Pallavas served as feudatories.
  7. They ruled Chozha, Thondai Mandalam, Muluvai or Arcot, and some Chalukya territories.
  8. The common languages of the region are Sanskrit, Tamil, Telugu and Prakrit.
  9. Pallava dynasty - Wikipedia.
  10. Before 10th century, Northern Tamil Nadu had Telugu, Tamil, Sanskrit and Prakriti speaking people.(there is one more language called Manipralava). Tulugus are the sons of the soil, living with Tamils over 1800 years. Due to Tamil imposition in Schools, post independance, they cannot read and write Telugu.
  11. After 13th century, Pandya Nadu also has Telugu people due to Vijayanagara Rule.
  12. History cannot be changed. North of Kaveri saw frequent changes/ invasions. 15th century saw Ganpaths of Odisha occupied it for brief period.
  13. Are you going to deny, Kalappirayars rule followed by Pallavas, Chozhas, Vijayanagaras, Maraththas, French and British in the region?
  14. Are you going to deny, Buddhism, Jainism, Aseevagam, Saivism, Kaumarism and Sri Vaishnavism, Islam, Christianity in our history?
  15. Are you going to deny Sanskrit, Tamil, Telugu, Prakritis, French and English were Court languages at some point in time?
  16. These are the anonymous questions intentionally raised by separatist forces to divide us ethnically like they did it in tiny island. Beware.

Summary: There is no ethnic identity, in the history- Telugu presence in North TN dates back to 3rd century and in South TN dates back to 13th century.

It is foolish to classify them as Tamils and Telugus as all of them are from the same soil, son of the soils, they have been living for last 700 to 1800 years.

End note: I would like to quote the answer from Ravi Malhotra here:

How Tamilnians became President and Vice President of the country, although Tamilnadu is a small state of the country? Every Indian has the right to live anywhere in India and contest elections from there and become not even CM but PM of the country also.

Kamarajar did not opt to become PM. Will any Tamil fulfill that?

Monday, March 1, 2021

Why Guruvayur is omitted in the list of Divyadesams?

 I think, Guruvayur temple is not an ancient one like other Divyadesams and its Garbhagruh constructed in 16-17th century only to be destructed and reconstructed later several times.

Guruvayur came to light due to three invasions and destructions met during 18th century.

Many may not be aware that Dutch Ceylon occupied Tiruchendur temple, looted treasures, set fire and run away with the idol to ceylon in 1650. The current Tiruchendur temple is reconstructed in 17th century in Tirumalai Naicker regime.

Once tasted looting, Dutch Malabar did the same thing in 1710 to Guruvayur Temple. It looted treasures, destructed Gopurams, Shrines and set fire.

This is followed by Hyder Ali 3 decades later.

And again his Son, Tipu avoided destructing it by collecting huge sums of money from Temple administration.

Guruvayur is popular and cornered public attention due to these invasions.

Other Malai Nattu Divyadesams, could avoid these. This is my view and may not know locals version, which must be authentic.

Dravidian Models

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