Thursday, December 31, 2020

Is there a secret tunnel that connects the Thirumalai Nayakar Mahal and Meenakshi Amma temple in Madurai?


May not be.

  1. Meenakshi Temple in present form is reconstructed in 14th century by Vijayanagara Emperors. Madurai Naickers become feudatory kings of Vijayanagara from 1529.
  2. When Tirumalai Naicker (1623–1659) constructed his Mahal, the Capital was Tiruchirappalli. Madurai became capital in 1634, so as construction of Tirumalai Naicker Mahal.
  3. Political events lead to the change in Capital from Trichy to Madurai in South are: on hearing the fall of Vijayanagara Empire, Ramnad revolted, Dutch and Portuguese threatened Tenkasi Pandiyans who were feaudatory to Vijayanagara, Dutch occupied Tiruchendur Temple, looted the treasures and idol, and set fire the temple. This lead to the expedition to South and change of capital.
  4. Tirumalai Naicker made additions in Madurai Meenakshi Temple like 1000Pillar Hall in the temple etc and Madurai Theppa Kulam. He started Meenakshi Kalyanam and Azhagar festival to maintain social harmony among Shaivites and Vaishnavites.
  5. Madurai Naickers constructed Forts in Dindigul and Trichy, which are their strategic bases, not Madurai.
  6. Rani Mangammal (1689–1704) who is considered as the Constructor of Roads and Mandapams for resting(Mangammal Salai) shifted back the capital from Madurai to Trichy in 1695 and used Present day Gandhi Museum as her Palace in Madurai.

So it is unlikely, any secret tunnel connecting Madurai Meenakshi Temple and Tirumalai Naicker Mahal.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Is Tamil a religion or language?

 Tamil is a language.

Various religions patronised by politics, used it for their benefit or try to destroy it with alternatives in different points of history.

Over centuries, many languages disappear(including Sanskrit due to emergence of Prakrit/ Pali/ Ardhmagadh/Bengali or Persian/ Urdu/Hindi) but Tamil withstood.

I will describe a typical chronology of Religions in Tamil countries for better understanding:

1.The Tamil area had an independent existence outside the control of northern empires. The Tamil kings and chiefs were always in conflict with each other mostly over property. The royal courts were mostly places of social gathering rather than places of dispensation of authority; they were centres for distribution of resources.

2.Tholkappiam between the 5th century BCE and the 3rd century CE:

In Sangam poems, there is relatively meager reference given to religion in general.

In the akam songs, Tholkappiar has made reference to deities in the different land divisions:

Thirumal (Vishnu) for mullai (Forest)

Murugan (Karthik) for kurinji (Mountains)

Indhiran (Indra) for marutham (Plains or Agri Lands)

Varunan, for neithal (Sea Shores) and

Kotravai (Sakthi or Kali) for palai (Desert)

Tholkappiar is a disciple of Agasthiyar. We can always find an interaction of South with North, and the influence of one over the other in language, religion or culture.

3.Early Religions after Sangam Period: Gradually the rulers came under the influence of vedic beliefs. Kashmir Shaivism, Vaishnavism and Shaktism come into existance like in other parts of subcontinent.

4.Ritual based Shaktism turned into ugly state of Kula tantric worship of animal and human sacrifices. In Kashmir it is Chamundi, in Bengal/Gujarat Kali, in South it is Angali. Tamils worshipped Kuladevi as a mother / son relationship like Angala Parameswari / Irulappaswami and guardian deities like Karuppaswami, Ayyanar, Pechiyamman etc. The typical temples found outside the villages with festivals worship done during night.

5. This has lead to the revolt across the sub continent. New rulers captured power. The Priests (Brahmins) performing rituals were executed, peoples were converted to Shramanic religions and forced new languages. In Tamil Country, Budhdhism, Jainism and Ajvika introduced by rulers and languages Pali, Prakriti and Sanskrit become court languages. Jain Munis ensured the animal and human sacrifices are stopped completely in Temples through monitoring from nearby hillock beds.

6.First Five Centuries: Buddhism, Jainism and Ajvika co-existed with early Shaivite, Vaishnavism and Shaktism.

7.6th to 13th Centuries: The revival of Saivism and Sri Vaisnavism in the sub continent was lead by Bhakti Movement of Azhwars and Nayanmars of Tamil country. With their efforts, the Prakrit, Sanskrit as court languages were replaced by Tamil and Saivism and Sri Vaisnavism replaced Buddhism and Jainism. In a new found avatar, Sri Vaishnavism ensured that there is no animal sacrifice and the Azhwars are from all communities.

Some of the earliest temples that are still standing were built during this period by the Pallavas. Rock cut temples were the order of the day.

8.13th to 17th Century: The turkish invasion and destruction of Temples in Madurai, Sri Rangam and Kanchi lead to the formation of a Hindu empire at Hampi.

15th century saw the emergence Murugan Worship with the effort of Prauda Devaraya of Samgama Vira Shaivs and Arunagirinathar in Tamil Country as well as spreading it in South East Asian countries to replace Budhdhism.

After the Sangama Dynasty of Vijayanagara, the other dynasties are Sri Vaisnavites and are secular towards Saivite Agamic and Murugan worship. They also encouraged forgotten Kula Deivam worship, but now the Priests were from other communities.

During Vijayanagara Rule, Saivism and Vaisnavism dominated. It is one of the Golden periods of Temple Architect. Damaged temples of invaders were rebuilt and new structures built and existing structures were expanded by Vijayanagara Kingdom, Madurai and Tanjavur Naickers.

9.18th to 19th Century: It is a chaos in Tamil Land - full of conflicts among Local Polygars of Madurai, Chenji, Marathas, Nawabs, British, French.

Christianity and Islam co-existed with majority Saivism and Vaisnavism (together were over 88%). Christians are mainly concentrated in Southern districts - Kanyakumari, Tirunelveli and Tuticorin.

10.Post Independence: The trauma of the partition did not impact Tamil Nadu when India was granted Independence in 1947. There was no sectarian violence against various religions. There had always been an atmosphere of mutual respect and peaceful coexistence between all religions in Tamil Nadu.

Believe me Tamil is only a language and its prosperity today is mainly due to rulers who patronised it in Tamil Country and ventured to spread it in overseas in various points in time.

How did Sri Lanka succeed to stay as a Buddhist country being so near India?

 Historical reasons.

I will sum up and produce the chronolgy of religious believes prevailed in Indian Subcontinent for last 25 centuries. You may relate it with the time line and Ceylon.

From 5th BCE: Sri Lankas religious believes is in line with the religious believes of Southern Peninsula till 1st or 2nd century - Vishnu, Murugan, Varunan, Indran, Sakthi(pre Vedic).

Gradually the rulers came under the influence of Vedic beliefs. Kashmir Shaivism, Vaishnavism and Shaktism come into existance like in other parts of subcontinent.

First Five Centuries: When ritual based Sakthism / Kula form of worship (a sect of Hinduism) were attacked by a revolt of the masses, the Shramanic religions like Buddhism, Jainism and Ajvika become prominant in Eastern India and slowly spread in Southern Peninsula and South East Asian Countries including Sri Lanka.

The priests performing rituals were executed and endowments to temples were stopped. Buddhist Monks and Jain Munis ensured that the animal and human sacrifices are stopped completely through monitoring from nearby hillock beds.

6th to 13th Centuries in Southern Peninsula excluding Sri Lanka : The revival of Saivism and Sri Vaisnavism in the sub continent was lead by Bhakti Movement of 12 Azhwars and 64 Nayanmars of Tamil country upto Himalayas. With their efforts, the Prakrit, Sanskrit as court languages were replaced by Tamil and Sanskrit and Saivism and Sri Vaisnavism replaced Buddhism and Jainism. In a new found avatar, Sri Vaishnavism ensured that there is no animal sacrifice and the Azhwars are from all communities.

These movements did not touch the Island at all. Buddhism continued in Island.

Indian Peninsula Rule in SE Asia to spread Hinduism/ Murugan Worship:

Raja Raja Chozhan (10–11th c);

Devaraya II (15th c)of Vijayanagara Sangama Dynasty

Kumara Krishnappa Naicker (16th c) of Madurai Naicker Kingdom

13th to 17th Century: 13th Century saw the North India bambarded by Islamic invasions. South also faced invasion but their Emperors bounced back without much damage. The turkish invasion and destruction of Temples in Madurai, Sri Rangam and Kanchi lead to the formation of a powerful Hindu empire at Hampi, (present day Karnataka).

15th century saw the emergence Murugan Worship with the effort of Prauda Devaraya of Sangama Vira Shaiva Dynasty of Vijayanagara and Arunagirinathar a Tamil mystic spreading it in South East Asian countries to replace Budhdhism. He himself traded the path to Kataragama.

You may read Kataragama, Sri Lanka history here:

Mohan N R's answer to Why did Lord Murugan marry Valli and Deivanai both? What is the philosophy behind this story?

Unfortunately due to subsequent weak rulers of Sangama Dynasty, Murugan worship failed to take deep roots in South East Asian countries.

After the Sangama Dynasty of Vijayanagara, the other dynasties are Sri Vaisnavites and are secular towards others religions.

During Vijayanagara Rule, Saivism and Vaisnavism dominated. It is one of the Golden periods of Temple Architect in Southern Peninsula. Damaged temples of invaders were rebuilt and new structures built and existing structures were expanded by Vijayanagara Kingdom, Madurai and Tanjavur Naickers.

18th to 19th Century: It is a chaos in Southern Peninsula- full of conflicts among Local Polygars of Kandy, Madurai, Chenji, Marathas, Nawabs, Dutch, Portuguese, British and French.

Mohan N R's answer to Were the Nayakkar kings of Kandy both Hindu and Buddhist at the same time?

In Southern Peninsula, Christianity and Islam co-existed with majority Saivism and Vaisnavism (together were over 88% in Tamil Nadu). Christians are mainly concentrated in Southern districts - Kanyakumari, Tirunelveli and Tuticorin, Kerala and Northern Island.

Post Independence: The trauma of the partition did not impact South when India was granted Independence in 1947. There was no sectarian violence against various religions. There had always been an atmosphere of mutual respect and peaceful coexistence between all religions.

Friday, December 25, 2020

Vijayanagara Empire Series: 16 If Kerala was under the Vijayanagara Empire, why weren't Telugu Naickers appointed everywhere in Kerala just like Tamil Nadu and Karnataka?

 Yes. Kerala was very much under Vijayanagara Empire since Kumara Kampanna (Son of Bukkaraya of Vira Shaiva Sangama Dynasty) expedition in 14th century.

1.Instead of Telugu Naickers, the Governors of Travancore Kingdom was from the family of Tenkasi Pandiya Kings- Tenkasi Pandiyans had marital alliance with Vijayanagara Tuluva Dynasty.

2.Governors of Northern Kerala were Telugu Naickers before Mysore Kingdom become prominance under Aravidu Dynasty.

Yes. Ravillas were Military Commanders in Vijayanagara Empire in Northern Karnataka; later became Governors of present day Northern Kerala during Achuta Devaraya regime; called back to Roya Vellore after Talikota war.

After Vijayanagara rule, they were given Thirukkottupalli and Ilayarasanendal as Mannariya Polypats by Madurai Naickers for two brothers; Thirukkottuppalli along with the fort of Koviladi was lost to Chanda Shahib and both families settled down at Ilayarasanendal (during British downgraded to Kattukuththagai Zamin) in Tinnevely District. The account is more or less same for Kuruvikulam Pemmasani Kings.

Further read on answers to similar questions:

Mohan N R's answer to Why are Telugu people able to dominate Karnataka and Tamil Nadu politics but not Kerala politics? How is Kerala effective in stopping Telugu grain from getting boiled in Kerala?

Mohan N R's answer to Why was the Vijayanagara Empire so dominated by Telugus? For example, when the rulers appointed governors to Tamil lands, it was all Telugus (Nayaks). Why?

Telugus in TN Series1: How did the Telugu population drop in Tamil Nadu from 47% to 7%?

 In which year it was 47%?

You may be referring Madras Presidency (before demerger of Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu) of British regime and over and above added fully or partially population of elsewhere Hyderabad Princely State which was not part of British India.

I will put the different statistics for proper understanding:

According to 1901 census of Madras Presidency,

Tamils: 50.9%



Obviously, this excludes Telugus in Hyderabad Princely State.

According to 2001 census of Tamil Nadu,

Tamil is spoken as the first language by 88.43% of the population.This may be including some Telugus in some districts who are not able to read or write Telugu and chosen Tamil as the first language.

Telugu by 5.65 percent,

Kannada by 2.68 percent

Malayalam by 0.89 percent,

Marathi by 0.1 percent

Sourashtra by 0.1 percent.

Tamil Imposition:

The Telugu Kings who ruled, Tamil Country for 3 to 4 centuries, never imposed Telugu. They used to continue Tamil inscriptions and Tamil as one of the court language. In Tirupati, one can find Tamil inscription till Vijayanagara Rule upto 1638 and Telugu Grammiya scripts found place after Maraththa invasion in 1671.

But after independence, successive Governments in Tamil Nadu imposed Tamil in schools, because of this Telugus in Tamil Nadu are not able to Read or Write Telugu. Without utility, later generations in many districts have to logically wrote Tamil as their mother tongue. Invisibilty is the major factor in drop in percentage.

How much the drop is?

If we consider 1935 census of those districts of Madras State, which now under Tamil Nadu, then the Percentage would be 12.9%. The concentration is in Coimbatore, Salem, Madurai, Chengalput, North Arcot, Trichy, Ramnad, South Arcot,Tirunelveli, Chennai, Tanjore, Pudukkottai.

Based on these, We can infer the percentage of Telugu people in TN would be 5.7 to 12.9%

But the twist is

According to Deomographic enumeration in 2013 by an NGO, in assessing invisibilty, Telungu Speaking people are about 27%, that is 1.95 crores out of 7.2 crore population.

If we consider 27%, still it is a considerable figure to change the fortunes of Tamil Nadu in the forth coming elections. That is the reason, all parties try to impress Telugu people for their votes.

Over and above, Telugus, especially Kammas are most affluent and progressive community with lot of industrialists and philanthropists.

More so in following districts:

Be it Chennai /Thiruvallur/ Kanchipuram

Or Coimbatore

Or Madurai/ Theni/ Tiruchi

Or Krishnagiri/ Vellore/ Dharmapuri

Or Virudhunagar/ Thooththukkudi

District names mentioned should be read with reference to the year mentioned in the write up.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Aseevagam in Kaliyuga

 Aseevagam in Kaliyuga

#If your Father says, “Ellam en Thalai Ezhuththu” then understand that he is following Aseevagam.

#If your Grand Father says,”Ellam Vidhippadidhan Nadakkum” then understand that he is following Ajvika.

#If your Grand Mother says, “Odambu mulukka Ennai Thechi Urundalum, ottura mannu than ottum” then understand that she discourses Fatalism.

#If your mother picks up punch from movie Kalavani and says, ” Marghazhi Mudinji Thai Pirandha ohonnu varuvennu Soshiar Sonnaru” then understand that she is following Aseevagam or Ajvika or Fatalism as said by Makkali Goshal - a Bihari Prophet.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Is the Shringeri Sharadamba - Goddess Saraswathi or Goddess Lakshmi or Goddess Parvathi? Since they can attribute the names of different Goddesses to one single Goddess & there are similar references for various Gods being converged into one God?

 I do not know about Sharadamba.

In Southern Peninsula and in South East Asian countries, Lord Murugan is worshipped with two consorts- Deivayani and Valli.

Goddess Deivayani is from Shringeri. Today also, the priests of Deivayani temple in Kataragama, Sri Lanka are descendants from Shringeri.

Mohan N R's answer to Why did Lord Murugan marry Valli and Deivanai both? What is the philosophy behind this story?

Another consort Vedda Valli is the daughter of the native.

Devyani is considered as “Energy of Action”.

Valli is considered as “Energy of Desire”.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Why are Kannadigas and Telugus in Bangalore and Hyderabad ashamed to wear pancha in public? Whereas Tamils wear veshti publicly in Chennai?

 Veshti is traditional dress of Tamils of all regions. Whereas Pancha is not a traditional dress of Northern regions of Karnataka or Telangana or Andhra.

Wearing Veshti, especially Khadi Veshti, is considered a man of High Values in TN and command high respect.

Parents insist on children to wear Veshti on festive occasions.

Veshti with border of Party colors identify them with a particular political ideology. Party men wear to show off. It is like “Press” or “BJP MLA” displayed on vehicles.

Finally, it is convenient to wear, and folded half like half pant in Chennai climate.

Only regret is they have forgotten “Thundu” alongwith Veshti.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Does Tamil Nadu lack in infrastructure?


TN is intentionally ignored by Central Government of both Congress and BJP. The reason well known as regional parties are ruling the state.

On the other hand, the Delhi will never leave a chance to tease them, time to time, be it any policy meadure or imposition of Hindi etc

Whatever BJP is doing in other states are copy cat of schemes implemented by TN state Government decades before.

In infra, there are many:

BJP is propagating their first success -Golden Quadrelateral which TN has not seen ever.

Sorry state is Railway network in TN. Whatever the British done before independence is only there or some networks, say Madurai to Theni closed down for Broad Gauge conversion for 30 years.

You may find the below interesting.

Mohan N R's answer to Why does North India have more railway networks compared to South India?

Monday, December 14, 2020

How would Tamil nationalists like Seeman take on Rajinikanth, politically as the latter is dubbed as a rank outsider by them?

 1.Who gives Tamil genetic certification ?


He himself is a Syrian Christian of Kerala ancestry. His ‘bosses’ are Sri Lankan Nationals whose ancestors migrated from Chera country, present day Kerala. They speak malayalam and use Tamil Scrips for writing.

Tamil Nationalists are in fact Malayalees. They need to shout, before others pointing them.Real Tamils do not shout.

2.Vandheri means refugees. These Pardeshis point others as Vandheris.They need to shout, before others pointing them.Real Tamils do not shout.

3.Tamil Nadu has many regions, Tamil Pandya Nadu, Chozha Samskrita Nadu, Chera Malayala Desam, Kongu Nadu, Telugu Pallava Nadu. Except Southern TN, others presence in Northern TN dates back to 2nd century(90 generations)

Who are real Tamils?

Rajnikant is an Indian. TN is home to him for last 5 decades. His family are Tamils. If we think, he is from Karnataka or Maharashtra, we do have sizable Kannadigas here as well as Marathas.

Think over,

Nirmala Sitaraman is our FM.

Dr Abdul Kalaam was our Country’s most adored President.

Dr Tamilisai is Governor of Telangana.

Dr Andimuthu Raja is our ex Telecom Minister


Saturday, December 5, 2020

What is the difference between Lord Kartikay and Lord Ayyappan Swami?


No. Both are different.

Ayyappa is a bachelor and Karthikeya is worshipped with two Devis- Devyani and Valli.

Worship of both existed since time immemorial, but their revival as “Kaliyuga Varadhs” happened time to time.

Karthikeya, considered as “God of Tamils”. The epic is “Skandha Puranam” (Persian rendition is Sikander). The worship of Murugan in Buddhist countries, failed due to historical reasons.

Mohan N R's answer to Why did Lord Murugan marry Valli and Deivanai both? What is the philosophy behind this story?

Ayyappa is mainly worshipped in Kerala, with devotees from Kerala and Tamilnadu. The situation is mentioned in “Bhagavata Puranam”. His worship is considered as fusion between two rivalry sects, Vaishnavism, Shaivism by Siddhas of Sakthism.

Many may not be aware about Sankara Narayanar Temple where the main deity is Gomathi (Sakthi).

Mohan N R's answer to Which are the most mysterious Devi temples in India?

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