Thursday, November 19, 2020

Why the Lord Murugan is referred as forefather of Tamilians

 Good Question.

You must read a master piece “Tamil Pirappu Rahasyam” by one Mr N R V Appasamy in his blogspot (7 articles). It is not appreciated to give a link of it in Quora, I am providing a gist of his first article “What is in a Sound”.

It is a belief among Tamils that they are one of the first civilized society which existed before Rock and Sand in this planet. Like other socities of this holy land, they worshipped first nature, then kuldev before identified as Saivities worshipping Shiv, including its tantric rituals of Sakthism and Shaiva Siddhantam. Their agamas are pre vedic.

#According to legends, Agasthiyar got the Tamil Language from God Shiva and written Tamil Grammer and its Syntex to the Tamil people in Podhigai Hills.

#One litmus test for any classical language is its Structue with Sound (Uyir Mei Mantram), corresponding light (Visual Form) and environment (Mandalam). Simply put Mantra, Yantra and Mandalam.

#Lord of Kurinji (Podhigai Hills) is Murugan, a War God. Kurunji is one of five landscapes mentioned in Sangam literature referring to Hill and adjacent areas. He has chosen as the Yantra or Visual Form of Tamil.

Yantra [form] - Light:

The visual form of Tamil language is Lord Muruga. He is born on the day of suklapaksha (sixth day of bright half of lunar month) carried by Lord Agni (Manipuragam Chakram) with six faces (2x6 vowels; 3x6 consonants), wield a Vel (spear or ak or ayudham). His beauty can be well defined as that of sun’s rays and is considered as a war God. (Anahatam Chakram). Worshipping this form makes one Success in wars and endurance.

Mantiram [Tamil Sounds] - Sound

Visuddhi Chakram- a aa e ee u uu ae aea I o oo ou (uyir) [Communication]
Anahatam heart chakram and Manipura chakram (mei) [Warrior & Materialism]
Right – ka sa da ta pa ra (Hard consonants)
Left - ngha nggha na nha ma nhha (Soft consonants)
Swadhistanam - Ya, ra, va, la, lha, zha (Eternal consonants)
Aagya – Ak (Ayutha) (vision-trinetra)

Mandalam - Environment

The mandalam or piece of environment where it puts its ownership rights and encompasses cosmic elements of temples, art, architecture and music. The mandalam will act as an auric centre (protective seal) and the effect is now felt in the subtler dimension of consciousness of over 70 million people.

Tamizh is Murugan and

Murugan is Tamizh.

It is appropriate to consider Murugan as the Forefather of Tamizhians as they breathe Tamizh Vibrations 21600 times a day.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Is Murugan a Tamil god or a Sanskrit god?


Murugan is a Hindu God- related to religion.

Whereas Sanskrit and Tamil are languages.

Is it not wrong to compare languages with religion?

1.Time immemorial, from Himalayan mountains to Kumari Ocean had the same culture, values, itihas, gods……

2.Tamil and Sanskrit are the great languages, this holy land gave, one for the southern Peninsula tip and another for the Northern himalayan peak.

3. Remember in between, Southern Peninsula Tip and Northern Himalayan peak, India has over 122 major languages and over 1600 other languages.30 languges have over million native speakers and 22 languages are recognised as per Eight Schedule by the Government of India.

Is it not an futile excercise to tell Murugan as a Tamil God or Sanskrit God? Or Telugu God, Malayalam God, Kannada God, Punjabi God, Bengali God….

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Who is Murugan Swamy?

 Murugan Swamy is Karthik Swamy. Younger Brother of Lord Ganesh. Known as Saravanan, Shanmugar, Senthil, Subramahnyan and many other names. He has six abodes in Tamil Region.

  1. Lord of Nature is Murugan.The worship of Lord Murugan is not very common in North. He is worshipped by Tamils predominantly.
  2. Form of Tamil is Murugan.Tamil with 31 (12+18+1) letters (mantras) uses Lord Murugan as Form (Yantra). Uyir 12 (6x2) Mei 18(6x3) and Aydham (vel)1.
  3. Murugan is the power. Vel of Parvati is consciousness (Gnana Sakthi). Valli is Ichcha Sakthi and Devayani is Kriya Sakthi.

The worship of Lord Shanmukha:

One of them is the Vrata observed on every Friday.

Another Vrata is the Karttikai Vrata.

The most important of all the Vratas of Lord Shanmukha is the Skanda Shashthi Vrata.

We will see them in detail:

The worship of Lord Shanmukha is very common in South India. Almost every town in the South has its temple dedicated to Lord Shanmukha. The Tamils have named Shanmukha as Murugan. Just as the God of Winds is Vayu, the God of Waters Varuna, the Tamil term for the Lord of Nature is Murugan.

The term Murugan, in Tamil, denotes the Deity possessed of undecaying beauty, everlasting youth and Godliness. Any Deity who is endowed with the above attributes is truly Murugan. Hence the worship of Skanda or Murugan does not pertain to any sect or creed. Perhaps it is the outcome of an inherent desire of man to express his gratitude for an unknown and hidden Power, which bestows upon him every good and removes all his sufferings. Worship of Lord Murugan is tantamount to the worship of Nature. As Nature abounds with soul-stirring and inspiring landscapes and is the source and support of all living beings on earth, the ancients have thought it right to glorify Nature.

To lead a natural life is to live with Nature. This is the life in consonance with the Divine Will. Control of the senses, anger and lust is the way to achieve the higher life. And the most important form of worship that a human being can offer unto the Lord is by not hurting others either by thought or word or deed. Only then life in nature becomes smooth and happy. It is this kind of worship and life that the Skanda Purana teaches us through the worship of the Saguna form of Lord Skanda. Indeed it is the counsel of Christ: “Treat thy neighbour as thy own Self” and “Do unto others as thou wishest to be done by.” And the Essence of all religions is only to abstain from inflicting injury on anyone,—Ahimsa Paramodharmah.

Hence, whenever we worship Lord Murugan, we should have the Bhava ‘I pray unto Him, who is the All-Pervading Beautiful One, the Indweller of all, in the Form of Lord Subrahmanya or Murugan.’ This Saguna form of the Lord is only to give a hold and grasp for the mind to understand the Immortal, the Omnipotent and the Omniscient attributes of the Almighty, who is at once Infinite and the Indweller of every heart.

As in the worship of other Deities, in the Saguna worship of Lord Skanda also, there are some Vratas, or observances. There was once a king, Muchukunda by name. He was a staunch Saivite. He approached Sage Vasishtha to advise him on the importance and methods of observing some Vrata by which he could gain personal success, peace and prosperity. Vasishtha indicated the Vratas of Lord Skanda and detailed their significances.

One of them is the Vrata observed on every Friday. By observing this Vrata of Friday for 3 years, Bhagiratha overcame his enemy Gora. On Friday, after a clean bath, one should do Puja and Archana for the Lord with extreme devotion. He who does this is bound to achieve success in all his undertakings.

Another Vrata is the Karttikai Vrata. On every Karttikai (3rd constellation of the 27 stars) day, this Vrata is to be observed with faith and devotion, and with external purification by a bath, before the Puja, etc. This Vrata was observed by Narada Rishi as per the advice of Lord Ganesa. After a period of 12 years, Narada gained his ambition, viz., the supreme position among the great Sapta Rishis.

The most important of all the Vratas of Lord Shanmukha is the Skanda Shashthi Vrata. It is to be commenced on the Prathama Tithi (the day immediately following Dipavali) of the Sukla Paksha (bright fortnight) in the month of Aippasi (October-November). A complete fast should be observed and the devotee should engage himself solely in the Puja of the Lord, in reading and learning of the glories of Lord Skanda, Bhajan, meditation, etc. If fasting for six days continuously is likely to prove too much of a strain, he may have one meal per day and fast completely on the last day, i.e. the Shashthi Day. This is the day to commemorate the victory of Lord Shanmukha over the Asura king, Surapadman. Persons who observe this Vrata achieve success in all their undertakings and in the end attain Liberation.

Having thus heard all about the Vratas and their importance, king Muchukunda took leave of Sage Vasishtha. With faith and sincerity he observed them and had Darshan of Lord Subrahmanya who blessed His devotee with peace, plenty, prosperity and Kaivalya Moksha.

May Lord Subrahmanya grant you strength to observe such Vratas and may you all be the fortunate recipients of His Blessings!

Monday, November 16, 2020

Is Tamil Samanam the same as present day Jainism?

 Samanam and Jainism are different.

Tamil Scholars, mainly Tamil Pandits, Professors and Tamil Poets who normally do not have exposure outside their regions, confused and used vice versa.

Jainism is one of the competing religions alongwith Saivism, Vaishnavism and Buddhism during early five centuries.

There were many Sramanic religions when Mahavir proposed Jainism ( Restraint is the theme). They are contemperous to Mahavir- Buddha, Makkali Gosalas, Kassappas and Sanjayas.

Mohan N R's answer to What makes Jainism a better religion than Hinduism?

Samanars predate to Srmanic religions.

There were several mystics (over 84 Maha Siddhas - 18 Tamil Siddhas) in our holy land before and after Buddha, Mahavira, Gosalas, Kassappas, and Sanjayas. These mystics contributed much in philosophy, medicine, metullergy and performed miracles.

Some worshipped Shiv, some Sakthi, some Murugan.After Buddhism and Jainism, some created the left hand sects within Buddhism and Jainism.

Why they are called Samanars?

As said earlier, these mystics contributed much in philosophy, medicine, metullergy and performed miracles. There objective is to attain immortality (Saha Varam in Tamil) through manipulating Swara (Vasi in Tamil).

In Swara science to attain various Siddhis, the Prana is further classified as Five important Sub Pranas. (Total 10).

Prana takes care of all intakes through mouth, nose etc. Apana takes care of all excretions. Samana is the one which converts intakes to nourishments to the body and excretions.

Samanars are the ones who mastered the Samana, equalize and keep check both on Prana and Apana for mortals to show the possibility of immortality through disturbing it through Vyana (material world) and Udana (spiritual world). The center is Navel, non thinking brain.

As said earlier, some Samanars worshipped Shiva, some Sakthi (majority- as Sakthi is Prana), some Murugan (again Sakthi of Kumaran - Koumari) .After Buddhism and Jainism, some created the left hand sects (deals with energy / rituals) within Buddhism and Jainism.

12 Steps to Attain Mortality

Rise of Kaumaram (Murugan Worship) in Medieval Period:


Rise of Kaumaram (Murugan Worship) in Medieval Period:

Energy in younger form is Kaumaram.

Energy of Action;

To fulfill

Energy of Desire;

Aided by

Energy of Knowledge.

Indian History is unkind to Southern Kingdoms who spread their geographic boundaries beyond Indian peninsula through sea fare. On the other hand, Indian History is busy in glorifying invading turks and moghals.

Indian Peninsula Rule in SE Asia:

Raja Raja Chozhan (10–11th c) is an example;

Devaraya II (15th c)of Vijayanagara Sangama Dynasty is another example.

Kumara Krishnappa Naicker (16th c) of Madurai Naicker Kingdom is one more example.

Raja Raja Chozhan’s glory in 10th-11th century is recently brought into limelight by Tamil Nadu.

But many may not aware about subsequent expeditions of Prouda Devaraya’s (Devaraya II) in 15th century and Kumara Krishnappa Naicker’s expedition in 16th century to spread Koumaram in Buddhist nations.

Devaraya II conquerred Ceylon to Gulbarga and Orissa to Malabar and levied tributes on Quilon, Ceylon, Pegu, Tenesserim.(present day Sri Lanka, Myanmer and Thailand respectively).

Deva Raya II (r. 1422–1446 CE) was an emperor of the Vijayanagara Empire. The greatest of the Sangama Dynasty Virashaiva rulers, he was an able administrator, warrior, and scholar.

He is a patron to Kannada writers Chamarasa and Kumara Vyasa; Telugu poet Sri Natha; Mathematician and Astronomer Vatasserry Parameshwara Nambhoothiri; Tamil mystic Arunagiri Nathar -all lived a lavish lifestyle.

Deveraya II is the emperor who spread Koumaram in Tamil and in South Asian Countries with the treaded path of Arunagiri Nathar of Tiruvannamalai. Unfortunately due to subsequent weak rulers of Sangama Dynasty, Koumaram failed to take deep roots in South East Asian countries.

Kaumaram in Medieval Period:

Like Nayanmars and Azhwars who spread Shaivism and Vaishnavism respectively, it is Giri Naths of Shringeri, followers of Arunagiri Nathar in 15th century who spread Kaumaram in Medieval period.

Murugan is a Tantric God. Rituals play an important role in cornering Energy levels.

Rituals in Six Abodes: One of the main traditions of the six abodes, is the mottai or tonsuring of devotees, who vow to discard their hair. Another is the anointing of the tonsured head with raktha (red) sandalwood paste, at night. The paste, upon being allowed to stay overnight, is said to energise devotees.

Devotees carry kavadi, wearing ochre clothes walkjng on foot from long distances, body piercing are commonly followed worship practice.

Kaumaram in Overseas:

Lakkanna, a commander of Deveraya II made an expedition to South and conqured Odisha, Malabar and levied tributes on Quilon, Ceylon, Pegu, Tenesserim.(present day Sri Lanka, Myanmer and Thailand respectively).


A small Polygar from Thondai Mandalam (Kanchi) was made as a King of Sinhala Kingdom (Kottai Dynasty) at Kandy by Lakkanna - a commander of Deveraya II of Vijayanagara Kingdom.

Arunagiri Nathar, a mystic of Tiruvannamalai, treaded the path to Kataragama and performed tiruals.

It is the Desire of Valli (Thala Thayar of the Hill) to bringback Kataragama into limelight with another expedition of Kumara Krishnappa Naicker in 16th century. This time, a small polygar of Sithawaka was made as a King of Sinhala Kingdom. He also made his brother in law Gopala Naidu as a Viceroy.

Mohan N R's answer to Were the Nayakkar kings of Kandy both Hindu and Buddhist at the same time?

Now Katargama was rediscovered by Kalayangiri Nathar, an accompanied mystic and temple was reconstructed by a newly crowned King of Kandy. Kalyangiri Nathar visioned the Sat-Kona form (yantra).

The Kingdom lasted over 3 centuries, well supported by Vijayanagara Empire, Thanjavur, Madurai, Chenji Kingdoms at varios point in time. It withstood European invasions till 1815 and one of the strongest Kingdoms of Sri Lanka.

Till today, Energy of Action (Deivayani) is from Shringeri Mutt of Karnataka, Energy of Desire is Thala Thayar (Vedda Valli) guided by Energy of Knowledge (Vel).

Why Koumaram failed elsewhere?

Unfortunately due to subsequent weak rulers of Sangama Dynasty, Koumaram failed to take deep roots in South East Asian countries.

Another readon is that the emperors of other Vijayanagara dynasties followed- Saluva, Tulu and Aravidu are Sri Vaishnavites, and they encouraged local religions.

Not withstanding, Murugan is the Kali Yuga Varadhan and Kaumaram is the religion of Tamils, all over the globe.

Energy of Action (Devayani- Tripura Bhairavi/ Gauri);

To fulfill

Energy of Desire(Valli- Tripura Sundari/ Rajeswari);

Aided by

Energy of Knowledge(Vel- Shyama/ Meenachi)


Saturday, November 14, 2020

Why is Tamil god Murugan named using Sanskrit words as Skanda and Subhramanya, but not worshipped in North India?

 This is purely on a lighter note based on “games” played by Tamil Scholars on God names recently.

We title this as “Naalu Tamil Arignargalum Nallaa Irundha Swamiyum”

Serious readers go through the following link, and other readers give it a skip.

Mohan N R's answer to Why is Lord Murugan not so famous in North India?

On the lighter note:


North India celebrates a festival called “Dev Diwali” (Is TN Thevars has any links with this festival)


Murugan is the Warrior God. (Is Kerala Warriers have any links with Murugan?)

He won and ruled the entire world. It is said that he took breakfast at (Tiruchendur) Mannar; lunch at Persian; and dinner at (Paththu Kugai) Pacific. His aircraft is peacock shaped. He is adventurous and took a global ride for a Mango fruit.


Skanda is not a Sanskrit word. It is a variant of Iskandar. Sikandar is the Person rendition of the name Skanda. Persians called him Sikandar.

“Woh Jeeta Wahi Sikandar”

“Whoever wins is Murugan”


Finally Murugan come into a controversy with this name. Millions of views; You tube discussions; Many Scholars claimed that they know the ultimate truth. They spoke ugly about the God and are the pre runners (fore fathers) of Karuppar Koottam.

Let us see a brief account of Subramanian:

1.Lord Murugan had lot of descendants in India, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and all over the Globe. They have their names/ surnames as

Murugan / Bala Murugan


Subramahnyan / Bala Subramanian

Kumaran / Bala Kumaran







2.Recently Suki Sivam was made as a judge to classify these descendants as Tamils and Non Tamils.

3.Suki Sivam made an unprecedanted judgement that Subramahnyans are not Tamils as the name contains Bramahn and exclaimed how a name containing Brahman be a Tamil Name.

Meanwhile Subramanyans, majority are Bank officers, Charted accountants, made an appeal that North Indians do not worship Murugan with any of his name.

4. Not withstanding, Suki Sivam’s punch

“ Sami Unnudhu, Poosai Ennudhu”

become one of the “trending” punches in year 2019.

5. Thiruma Valavan, a Dalit leader hailed the judgement as the unique and came out with another yardstick that who ever made a vow and taken


are only Pachchai Tamils and remaining are Fair skinned Tamils.

6. In between Simon, claimed that he may be a Syrian Christian but his Muppattan (Great Grand Father’s) name was Murugan.

You remember actor Vijay clarification on “Use of Pencil in space where there is no gravity” in a film called “Friends, remake of 3 idiots”

I read a logical comment from Arul Pandian:

Subramanian comes from Suppan (son) like in Appan (Father- Lord Siva). Appan and Suppan.


Friday, November 13, 2020

Who are some pre-vedic deities?

 Who are some pre-vedic deities?

  1. The early Dravidian religion constituted a non-vedic form of Hinduism in that they were either historically or are at present agamic.
  2. Ancient Tamil grammatical works Tholkappiyam, the ten anthologies, Paththuppattu, the eight anthologies, ettuthokai, sheds light on early ancient Dravidian religion.Seyyon (Murugan or Karthik), was glorified as, the red god seated on the blue peacock, who is ever young and resplendent, as the favored god of the Tamils.
  3. The Sangam landscape was classified into five categories, based on the mood, the season and the land. Tholkappiyam, mentions that each of these landscapes had an associated deity such as Seyyon (Murugan or Karthik) in Kurinji-the hills, Thirumaal (Vishnu) in Mullai-the forests, and Wanji - Ko (Indran -the god of Thunderstorm) in Marutham-the plains, and Varuna (the Water God) in the Neithal-the coasts and the seas and Kotravai (Mother Goddess) in Paalai - the desert. (instead of wasteland, it is also taken as a mixture of Kurinji and Mullai under the heat of burning sun)
  4. Many local deities, called ayyanars, karuppasamy, pechiamman, believed as the kul dev (i)s are local heroes who protect the village or their family from harm. Their worship often centres around nadukkal, stones erected in memory of heroes. This form of worship is mentioned frequently in classical literature and appears to be the surviving remnants of an ancient Tamil tradition.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Is Kamala a common name in Tamil?


It is a common name of tamil and telugu families which follow Sri Vaishnavism or Sri Vidya tradition.

Kamala in Sri Vaishnavism refers to Lakshmi in red lotus.

Kamala in Sri Vidya refers to tenth mahavidya and her syllable always represent 16th.

Kamala is a common tamil name in Mainland whereas Island nation uses Shyama, another mahavidya.

Equivalent male name is Kamal, a leading tamil actor.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Can I use the word “chellamma” for my younger sister in Tamil

 Chellamma in Tamil means “Sweet and Lovely” little girl. You may very well use it for your loved one.

Another term is “Chelliamma” derived from Telugu. Chelliamma is greeted by others, the younger sister of royal leader. It is like “Raje”.

On the lighter note, in family politics, Chelliammas are more dangerous to the wife of her brother.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Mysore kings sold their all gold and gems built KRS Dam and many small dams for their state people irrigation, why can't India's rich temple follows Mysore kings good deeds?

 Mysore kings sold their all gold and gems built KRS Dam and many small dams for their state people irrigation, why can't India's rich temple follows Mysore kings good deeds?

Ms Gupta

Your logic has major flaws,

  1. How you are equating Mysore Kings with India’s rich temples, not with other Kings of Princely states?

Do you mean “Mysore kings sold their all gold and gems built KRS Dam and many small dams for their state people irrigation, why can't Hyderabad Nizam, Baroda Gaekwad, Amar Singh and Travancore Kings follows Mysore kings good deeds?” Please clarify.

  1. Which state you live? Where is the need for constructing dams for irrigation purpose? Are constructing dams are environment friendly?

Do you know, over the years, due to increase in population and their migration to cities, drinking water for them has taken more priority than Irrigation. The solution is “population control” Why Indians are not controlling their population which is good for the nation? Irrigation water is not at all a problem, but drinking water has taken away the water. Also clarify how constructing a dam in upstream states solve the irrigation of downstream states.

  1. Why are you envying only South Indian Temples where Indian devotees benefit? North or Eastern India also have rich Sansthas who are exporting Indian money to construct temples in Europe, US and other countries?
  2. Finally, why dont you donate your jewellery for the good cause following Mysore Kings good deeds?

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Which word is perfect, Diwali or Dipawali?

 Both and several other terms are correct, not perfect.

If you ask a Gujarati, which one is perfect, Amdavad or Ahmedabad- he will say Amdavad- and he is the native, and he must be correct.

If you ask a Tamil Scholar he will say

Deepa Olhi- light spread of Deepam.

But a common man say Deepawali and in a fast pace Diwali.

If the opposite person understands, all terms are correct. Do we need perfection?

Do you agree that Tamil Nadu and Hinduism are inseparable?

 Sounderrajan Balakrishnan,

Tamil Nadu is the land of Bhakti, the land of towering temples,

The land of

  • 18 Siddhas;
  • 12 Azhwars;
  • 64 Nayanmars;
  • Arunagiri Nathar;
  • Dedicated Kings, who built Mega Temples and
  • Spiritual Devotees.

Tamil Nadu is the only state in India, which has highest percentage of Hindus (88%) with a population of 6.3 Crore Hindus.

It is higher than National Average of 80% Hindus in India.

The Indian State has more Hindus (88%) than the Hindu Kingdom Nepal (81%)

If any intelligent person challenges the above statements, I request them to go through the following statistics for their FAQ and therafter give their comment.


Hinduism is third largest religion in the world and we are proud that it is one of the oldest religion of the world.

1.Christianity (32%)

2.Islam (23%)

3.Hinduism (15%)

That is one out of seven in the world practices Hinduism.


Main Schools of Christianity:

  • Catholicism,
  • Protestantism,
  • Eastern Orthodoxy,
  • Anglicanism,
  • Oriental Orthodoxy, and
  • Assyrians.

Main Schools of Islam:

  • Sunni Islam separated into four main schools of jurisprudence, namely, Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi'i, Hanbali. These schools are named after Abu Hanifa, Malik bin Anas, al-Shafi'i, and Ahmad ibn Hanbal, respectively.
  • Shia Islam, on the other hand, is separated into three major sects: Twelvers, Ismailis, and Zaydis.

Most popular denominations of Hinduism:

  • Vaishnavism
  • Shaivism,
  • Shaktism, and
  • Smartism.


The ten countries with the highest Hindu population are:

  1. India (79.8%)105Cr
  2. Nepal (81.3%)2.35Cr
  3. Bangladesh(8.7%)1.4 Cr
  4. Indonesia(1.7%)4400K
  5. Pakistan (1.85%) 3626K
  6. Sri Lanka (12.6%)2269K
  7. United States, (0.7%)2230K
  8. Malaysia (6.3%), 1349K
  9. United Kingdom, (1.7%)800K
  10. Mauritius (48.5%), 600K

Tamil Nadu is the epitome of Hinduism and attracts millions of devotional tourists from all over the globe, in comparison with any other Indian State.

Siththan Pokku; Sivan Pokku.

Dravidian Models

 Om Namo Bhagwate Vasudevay Namah Dravidian Models : The term “Dravidian" is very much acclaimed recently among researchers in the fiel...