Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Why is Lord Murugan not so famous in North India?

Murugan Swamy is Karthik Swamy. Younger Brother of Lord Ganesh. Known as Saravanan, Shanmugar, Senthil, Subramahnyan and many other names. He has six abodes in Tamil Region.

  1. Lord of Nature is Murugan.The worship of Lord Murugan is not very common in North. He is worshipped by Tamils predominantly.
  2. Form of Tamil is Murugan.Tamil with 31 (12+18+1) letters (mantras) uses Lord Murugan as Form (Yantra). Uyir 12 (6x2) Mei 18(6x3) and Aydham (vel)1.
  3. Murugan is the power. Vel of Parvati is consciousness (Gnana Sakthi). Valli is Ichcha Sakthi and Devayani is Kriya Sakthi.

The worship of Lord Shanmukha:

One of them is the Vrata observed on every Friday.

Another Vrata is the Karttikai Vrata.

The most important of all the Vratas of Lord Shanmukha is the Skanda Shashthi Vrata.

We will see them in detail:

The worship of Lord Shanmukha is very common in South India. Almost every town in the South has its temple dedicated to Lord Shanmukha. The Tamils have named Shanmukha as Murugan. Just as the God of Winds is Vayu, the God of Waters Varuna, the Tamil term for the Lord of Nature is Murugan.

The term Murugan, in Tamil, denotes the Deity possessed of undecaying beauty, everlasting youth and Godliness. Any Deity who is endowed with the above attributes is truly Murugan. Hence the worship of Skanda or Murugan does not pertain to any sect or creed. Perhaps it is the outcome of an inherent desire of man to express his gratitude for an unknown and hidden Power, which bestows upon him every good and removes all his sufferings. Worship of Lord Murugan is tantamount to the worship of Nature. As Nature abounds with soul-stirring and inspiring landscapes and is the source and support of all living beings on earth, the ancients have thought it right to glorify Nature.

To lead a natural life is to live with Nature. This is the life in consonance with the Divine Will. Control of the senses, anger and lust is the way to achieve the higher life. And the most important form of worship that a human being can offer unto the Lord is by not hurting others either by thought or word or deed. Only then life in nature becomes smooth and happy. It is this kind of worship and life that the Skanda Purana teaches us through the worship of the Saguna form of Lord Skanda. Indeed it is the counsel of Christ: “Treat thy neighbour as thy own Self” and “Do unto others as thou wishest to be done by.” And the Essence of all religions is only to abstain from inflicting injury on anyone,—Ahimsa Paramodharmah.

Hence, whenever we worship Lord Murugan, we should have the Bhava ‘I pray unto Him, who is the All-Pervading Beautiful One, the Indweller of all, in the Form of Lord Subrahmanya or Murugan.’ This Saguna form of the Lord is only to give a hold and grasp for the mind to understand the Immortal, the Omnipotent and the Omniscient attributes of the Almighty, who is at once Infinite and the Indweller of every heart.

As in the worship of other Deities, in the Saguna worship of Lord Skanda also, there are some Vratas, or observances. There was once a king, Muchukunda by name. He was a staunch Saivite. He approached Sage Vasishtha to advise him on the importance and methods of observing some Vrata by which he could gain personal success, peace and prosperity. Vasishtha indicated the Vratas of Lord Skanda and detailed their significances.

One of them is the Vrata observed on every Friday. By observing this Vrata of Friday for 3 years, Bhagiratha overcame his enemy Gora. On Friday, after a clean bath, one should do Puja and Archana for the Lord with extreme devotion. He who does this is bound to achieve success in all his undertakings.

Another Vrata is the Karttikai Vrata. On every Karttikai (3rd constellation of the 27 stars) day, this Vrata is to be observed with faith and devotion, and with external purification by a bath, before the Puja, etc. This Vrata was observed by Narada Rishi as per the advice of Lord Ganesa. After a period of 12 years, Narada gained his ambition, viz., the supreme position among the great Sapta Rishis.

The most important of all the Vratas of Lord Shanmukha is the Skanda Shashthi Vrata. It is to be commenced on the Prathama Tithi (the day immediately following Dipavali) of the Sukla Paksha (bright fortnight) in the month of Aippasi (October-November). A complete fast should be observed and the devotee should engage himself solely in the Puja of the Lord, in reading and learning of the glories of Lord Skanda, Bhajan, meditation, etc. If fasting for six days continuously is likely to prove too much of a strain, he may have one meal per day and fast completely on the last day, i.e. the Shashthi Day. This is the day to commemorate the victory of Lord Shanmukha over the Asura king, Surapadman. Persons who observe this Vrata achieve success in all their undertakings and in the end attain Liberation.

Having thus heard all about the Vratas and their importance, king Muchukunda took leave of Sage Vasishtha. With faith and sincerity he observed them and had Darshan of Lord Subrahmanya who blessed His devotee with peace, plenty, prosperity and Kaivalya Moksha.

May Lord Subrahmanya grant you strength to observe such Vratas and may you all be the fortunate recipients of His Blessings!

Why is Lord Murugan not so famous in North India?


Lord Murugan is Kaumara.

His Sakthi is Kaumari.

Aboards of Lord Murugan in South East Corners have architects or holy men who generated the rituals.

Aboards of Lord Murugan in South West Corners have Saptha Kannyas or Seven Power houses.

Yes. Worship of Murugan rituals in North were popular before 12th century and faded away over time. Now also does exist.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Who Built Tirupati Temple? / When was Tirumala Tirupati Temple Built?

The Chronology of Tiruvengadam Temple Building:

1.The idol is stated to have buried inside an ant hill. It was discovered by some cowherds and reported it to the King Tondaiman in the first century BC or AD. King Thondaiman built a temple to house the idol. Whether the temple was of cut stone, brick in mud or wood, we are not told.

2.Account of the Temple found in Tamil classic Silappadhikaram states that the idol on the hill represented Vishnu (Sengan Nediyon). Silapadhikaram is probably written in 2nd / 3rd AD. The description states that the Sun and the Moon illumined the deity shows that there is no covering at the top or that the covering was of a pavilion type.

3.Alvars who flourished in the 8th and 9th centuries, who sang the glories of the lord referred only the sanctity of the Hill, not the temple.

4.The present temple would have built later during the Pallava regime and the temple is not built at one and the same time.

5.Garbhagraham and ante chamber was built at the end of 9th century or early 10th century.

6.Some reconsecration of the deity done by Sri Ramanujan ir 1130. At that point in time there was no Gopuram.

7.Between 1330 till 1370, Sri Ranganathar idol of Sri Rangam was kept here as there was no safe place other than the Hill they found after the attack of Malik Kafur on Sri Rangam.Till this time there is no account of Telugu or Kannada or other pilgrims to this temple. Attack on Sri Rangam, Kanchi and Madurai brought Telugu Speaking Pallavas, Kannada Speaking Chalukyas and Hoyslas together on the hills to see Sri Ranganathar and to liberate Tamil Country.

8.The extension of the temple structures even extends upto the 15th and 16th centuries. Endowmenting the villages started from Saluva Narasimha of Vijayanagara Empire in 1480 followed by the famous emperor Krishna Devearya and Achuta Raya.

9.Pushkarni steps are constructed by Tirumala Iyengar in 16th Century.After the defeat in Talikota in 1565, the Aravidu dyansty of Vijayanagara Empire lasted another 95 years and they patronsied the temple till 1660.

All the above 9 points are based on the research publications.


Sunday, July 26, 2020

How Many Letters are there in Tamil?

To put into an interactive Sound, Light Structure:

MANTRA: (Tamil Alphabets)


Tamil has eighteen (6 x 3) Consonants, twelve (6 x 2) vowels and a weapon (ak -trinetra -three dots)

Hard Consonants: ka sa da ta pa ra
Soft Consonants: ngha nggha nhha na ma nha
Eternal Consonants : Ya, ra, la,va,, lha, zha

1.A - as pronounced in [A]mma.

2.AA-(nedil or elongated first lettet) as pronounced in[Aa]rti.

3.I - as pronounced as (E)ngland.

4.II - (nedil or elonagted third letter) as pronounced in (ea)ger.

A - the first letter stands for negation. Awareness exists in two states, awareness that is not even aware of itself - that is the first state, "A", like a zero; and awareness that is aware of itself, like a zero that is the sum of opposites for ex. (1)+(-1)=0. A small deviation, a small movement - that is the second state. Awareness has these two properties of oneness and manyness.

I –(pronounced Yea) is the second letter. It is the desire of the awareness to know itself by splitting into subject and object.


5.U –(pronounced oo) to preserve the desire is called "u". That is preservation(Sristi).

6.UU (nedil or elonagted fifth letter) as pronounced in (oo)ty.

Sristi, the creation has not occured in "A" (kuril). Only when "A" desires to manifest itself it becomes an orgasmically elongated "Aa"(nedil). This desire is represented by "I"(kuril). When "I" is fully expressed it becomes"Ii" (nedil) . The desire to preserve that altered state of awareness is "U"(kuril) and "Uu"(nedil).

Then creation proceeds further through the letters.

7.A + i is E (pronounced ae)

8.EE (nedil of seventh letter)

9.E + a is Ai.

10.A + u is O as pronounced in om

11.OO (nedil or elongated tenth letter)

12.E + u is Au. as pronouned in Avvai

13.Ak is the seed expressed outside itself as an object.
Thirteenth letter is called Ak (represented by Three dots as in Trinetras) When awareness is observing a part of itself, the observed part appears to it as if it does not have an awareness. So awareness is creating a non-awareness relative to it in this process. This is represented by "Ak" (or Ayudham). This vowel sound is considered to be of neutral gender, denoting objects which are not experienced the same way as the subject experiences itself.
So creation, preservation and dissolution of the object are being mapped by the vowel sounds of the Tamil alphabet. This completes the formation of the vowel sounds.

YANTRA [form of Kathikeya]

The visual form of Tamil language is Lord Karthikeya. He is born on the day of suklapaksha (sixth day of bright half of lunar month) carried by Lord Agni (Manipura Chakra) with six faces (2x6 vowels; 3x6 consonants), wield a vel (spear). His beauty can be well defined as that of sun’s rays and is considered as a war God.

MANDALA [Temples, Art, Music]
The mandala or piece of environment where it puts its ownership rights is the adhisthana and encompasses cosmic elements of temples, art, architecture and music.Throughout tamilians life this mandala will act as an auric centre that will store all his karma and the base for many lives that a person has to go through i.e. deep in unconscious] .The effect is now felt in the subtler dimension of consciousness of over 75 million people.

Source: Tamil Pirappu Rahasyam

What does the "Vel" in the hands of Tamil God Murugan denote symbolically, and who gave this to him?


  • Murugan is the power. Vel given by his mother Parvati is consciousness (Gnana Sakthi). Valli is Ichcha Sakthi and Devayani is Kriya Sakthi.
  • Annexure: Worship of Murugan
  1. Lord of Nature is Murugan.The worship of Lord Murugan is not very common in North. He is worshipped by Tamils predominantly.
  2. Form of Tamil is Murugan.Tamil with 31 (12+18+1) letters (mantras) uses Lord Murugan as Form (Yantra). Uyir 12 (6x2) Mei 18(6x3) and Aydham (vel)1.
  3. Murugan is the power. Vel of Parvati is consciousness (Gnana Sakthi). Valli is Ichcha Sakthi and Devayani is Kriya Sakthi.

The worship of Lord Shanmukha:

One of them is the Vrata observed on every Friday.

Another Vrata is the Karttikai Vrata.

The most important of all the Vratas of Lord Shanmukha is the Skanda Shashthi Vrata.

We will see them in detail:

The worship of Lord Shanmukha is very common in South India. Almost every town in the South has its temple dedicated to Lord Shanmukha. The Tamils have named Shanmukha as Murugan. Just as the God of Winds is Vayu, the God of Waters Varuna, the Tamil term for the Lord of Nature is Murugan.

The term Murugan, in Tamil, denotes the Deity possessed of undecaying beauty, everlasting youth and Godliness. Any Deity who is endowed with the above attributes is truly Murugan. Hence the worship of Skanda or Murugan does not pertain to any sect or creed. Perhaps it is the outcome of an inherent desire of man to express his gratitude for an unknown and hidden Power, which bestows upon him every good and removes all his sufferings. Worship of Lord Murugan is tantamount to the worship of Nature. As Nature abounds with soul-stirring and inspiring landscapes and is the source and support of all living beings on earth, the ancients have thought it right to glorify Nature.

To lead a natural life is to live with Nature. This is the life in consonance with the Divine Will. Control of the senses, anger and lust is the way to achieve the higher life. And the most important form of worship that a human being can offer unto the Lord is by not hurting others either by thought or word or deed. Only then life in nature becomes smooth and happy. It is this kind of worship and life that the Skanda Purana teaches us through the worship of the Saguna form of Lord Skanda. Indeed it is the counsel of Christ: “Treat thy neighbour as thy own Self” and “Do unto others as thou wishest to be done by.” And the Essence of all religions is only to abstain from inflicting injury on anyone,—Ahimsa Paramodharmah.

Hence, whenever we worship Lord Murugan, we should have the Bhava ‘I pray unto Him, who is the All-Pervading Beautiful One, the Indweller of all, in the Form of Lord Subrahmanya or Murugan.’ This Saguna form of the Lord is only to give a hold and grasp for the mind to understand the Immortal, the Omnipotent and the Omniscient attributes of the Almighty, who is at once Infinite and the Indweller of every heart.

As in the worship of other Deities, in the Saguna worship of Lord Skanda also, there are some Vratas, or observances. There was once a king, Muchukunda by name. He was a staunch Saivite. He approached Sage Vasishtha to advise him on the importance and methods of observing some Vrata by which he could gain personal success, peace and prosperity. Vasishtha indicated the Vratas of Lord Skanda and detailed their significances.

One of them is the Vrata observed on every Friday. By observing this Vrata of Friday for 3 years, Bhagiratha overcame his enemy Gora. On Friday, after a clean bath, one should do Puja and Archana for the Lord with extreme devotion. He who does this is bound to achieve success in all his undertakings.

Another Vrata is the Karttikai Vrata. On every Karttikai (3rd constellation of the 27 stars) day, this Vrata is to be observed with faith and devotion, and with external purification by a bath, before the Puja, etc. This Vrata was observed by Narada Rishi as per the advice of Lord Ganesa. After a period of 12 years, Narada gained his ambition, viz., the supreme position among the great Sapta Rishis.

The most important of all the Vratas of Lord Shanmukha is the Skanda Shashthi Vrata. It is to be commenced on the Prathama Tithi (the day immediately following Dipavali) of the Sukla Paksha (bright fortnight) in the month of Aippasi (October-November). A complete fast should be observed and the devotee should engage himself solely in the Puja of the Lord, in reading and learning of the glories of Lord Skanda, Bhajan, meditation, etc. If fasting for six days continuously is likely to prove too much of a strain, he may have one meal per day and fast completely on the last day, i.e. the Shashthi Day. This is the day to commemorate the victory of Lord Shanmukha over the Asura king, Surapadman. Persons who observe this Vrata achieve success in all their undertakings and in the end attain Liberation.

Having thus heard all about the Vratas and their importance, king Muchukunda took leave of Sage Vasishtha. With faith and sincerity he observed them and had Darshan of Lord Subrahmanya who blessed His devotee with peace, plenty, prosperity and Kaivalya Moksha.

May Lord Subrahmanya grant you strength to observe such Vratas and may you all be the fortunate recipients of His Blessings!

Friday, July 24, 2020

What makes Jainism a better religion than Hinduism?

 What makes Jainism a better religion than Hinduism?

Restraint makes it uniqueness of Jainism with the rest.

If You want to compare it with Hinduism, then it is like comparing

  1. Pineapple with Coconut.
  2. Singapore with India
  3. Small well with an ocean

The term Hinduism is general, there are Saivism, Vaisnavism, Sakthas etc etc. and many sects within each.

Whereas Jainism comes under Shramanic religions. It is logical to compare with other Shramanic religions.

Shramanic Religions: There are various classifications:

Some say 6, based on Philosophy and contemporaneous ascetics of Mahavira.

Some include 84 Siddhas from Nath Tradition, (which includes 18 Tamil Siddhas) and making it 90.

In six who are contemporaneous to Vardhman Mahavira are:

1.Buddha is a mystic who taught as void.(Buddhism)

2.Mahavir is a mystic chemist who taught as restraint. (Jainism)

3.Makkali Gosala is a mystic alchemist(metallurgist ) who taught as fatalism.(Ajivika)

4.Purana Kassappa is an ascetic who taught as non action(Akiriyavada)

5.Ajita Kesakamabali is an ascetic who advised as to live happily (Charvaka)

6.Sanjaya Belathiputta taught as suspension of judgement (Ajnana)

There were several mystics (over 84 Maha Siddhas) in our holy land before and after Buddha, Mahavira, Gosalas, Kassappas, Shits and Sanjayas. These mystics contributed much in philosophy, medicine, metullergy and performed miracles.

Some worshipped Shiv, some Sakthi, some Murugan.After Buddhism and Jainism, some created the left hand sects within Buddhism and Jainism

In a nutshell, Restrain make it uniqueness of Jainism with the rest.

The End

Annexure: Hinduism, a misnomer?

Part 1 - Hindu

I will go backwards in time line.

#South Indians as Hindus in 20th Century: After world war I, that is after 1920s, eventually, any person of Indian origin (including Tamils) who did not practice Abrahamic religions came to be branded as a Hindu, thereby encompassing a wide range of religious beliefs and practices.

#North Indians as Hindus in 18th Century: Towards the end of the 18th century, the European merchants and colonists referred collectively to the followers of the Dharmic religions in Hindustan — which geographically referred to most parts of the northern Indian subcontinent — as Hindus.

#Land of Hindus as Hindustan in 13th Century:The Arabic term al-Hind, referred to the land of the people who live across the river Indus. From 13th century, the word Hindustan began to be used as a popular alternative name for India, meaning the "land of Hindus".

#People Live Across Indus River as India in 5th Century: The word Hindu or Indu was used by Greeks to denote the country and people living beyond the Indus river. Megasthenes' 'Indica' epitomizes the name for India and Indians around the 5th Century B.C.E

Hindu is the Sanskrit Word and Shindu is the Local word for River Indus.

Part 2 - Tamil Religions

I will go forward in time line.

The Tamil area had an independent existence outside the control of northern empires. The Tamil kings and chiefs were always in conflict with each other mostly over property. The royal courts were mostly places of social gathering rather than places of dispensation of authority; they were centres for distribution of resources.

# Tholkappiam between the 5th century BCE and the 3rd century CE: In Sangam poems, there is relatively meager reference given to religion in general. In the akam songs, Tholkappiar has made reference to deities in the different land divisions:

Thirumal (Vishnu) for mullai (Forest)

Murugan (Karthik) for kurinji (Mountains)

Indhiran (Indra) for marutham (Plains or Agri Lands)

Varunan, for neithal (Sea Shores) and

Kotravai (Sakthi or Kali) for palai (Desert)

#Early Religions after Sangam Period: Gradually the rulers came under the influence of vedic beliefs. Shaivite, Vaishnavism and Shaktism come into existance.

#First Five Centuries: Buddhism, Jainism and Ajvika co-existed with early Shaivite, Vaishnavism and Shaktism. It is just to mention that Ajvika survived for nearly 2,000 years through the 14th century CE in Tamil Nadu. Kalabhras period is termed as “Dark Age” of Tamil History

#6th to 13th Centuries: Saivism and Vaisnavism dominated and replaced Buddhism and Jainism. Some of the earliest temples that are still standing were built during this period by the Pallavas. Rock cut temples were the order of the day.

#13th to 17th Century: Saivism and Vaisnavism dominated. It is one of the Golden periods of Temple Architect. Damaged temples of invaders were rebuilt and new structures built and existing structures were expanded by Vijayanagara Kingdom, Madurai and Tanjavur Naickers.

#18th to 19th Century: It is a chaos in Tamil Land - full of conflicts among Local Polygars of Maduari, Tiruchi, Senji, Marathas, Nawabs, British, French.

Christianity and Islam co-existed with majority Saivism and Vaisnavism (together were over 88%). Christians are mainly concentrated in Southern districts - Kanyakumari, Tirunelveli and Tuticorin.

#Post Independence: The trauma of the partition did not impact Tamil Nadu when India was granted Independence in 1947. There was no sectarian violence against various religions. There had always been an atmosphere of mutual respect and peaceful coexistence between all religions in Tamil Nadu.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Is Murugan a Tamil God or a Sanskrit God?

Murugan is a Hindu God- related to religion.
Whereas Sanskrit and Tamil are languages.
Is it not wrong to compare languages with religion?

1.Time immemorial, from Himalayan mountains to Kumari Ocean had the same culture, values, itihas, gods……

2.Tamil and Sanskrit are the great languages, this holy land gave, one for the southern Peninsula tip and another for the Northern himalayan peak.

3.Remember in between, Southern Peninsula Tip and Northern Himalayan peak, India has over 122 major languages and over 1600 other languages.30 languges have over million native speakers and 22 languages are recognised as per Eight Schedule by the Government of India.
Is it not an futile excercise to tell Murugan as a Tamil God or Sanskrit God? Or Telugu God, Malayalam God, Kannada God, Punjabi God, Bengali God….

Who Built The Tiruchendur Temple?

1.The legend is that the Temple exists, since the Victory of Lord Muruga over Surapadman.

2.After Surasamharam, Lord Muruga desired to worship his father, Lord Shiva. Hence Mayan, (Non Tamils, read him as Viswakarma) the divine architect constructed this shrine at Tiruchendur. Even now Lord Subramahnya is seen in the posture of worshiping Lord Shiva in the sanctum sanctorum.

3. It is believed that the demigods (read devotees/ sanyasis) of Muruga wanted to worship him in a place where there was a mountainous tract, sea and river and hence Tiruchendur was chosen.

4. No record exists on the data of actual construction of the temple, which may be over 2500 years, but there are records of improvements to the temple by Pandya and Chera Kingdoms.

5.The temple find a place in Tevaram, sung by Appar. Earlier temple inscription starts from 875AD.

6. The the temple in current form was reconstructed in 17th century (after 1649) during Tirumalai Naicker rule by his devotees/ Sanyasis with the funding from the public.

7. The consecration of the idols were done in the presence of Tirumalai Naicker in 1653.

Why are Telugu people trying to claim Krishnadevaraya was a Telugu even though he was Tulu?

 Read with an understanding that the Geographical Boundaries exists today is different from that existed in 16th Century.

Do you think Emperors belong to any community to identify them? In most of the cases we fail, looking into their marital alliances and the circumstances from which they become an emperor.

With this background, the below are some information to digest:

1.Vijayanagara Empire is a Hindu Empire of Hampi, Present Day Karnataka. A Karnataka Empire.

2. There were 4 Dynasties ruled- Sangama, Saluva, Tuluva, Araiva iti. Krishna Devaraya belongs to Tuluva Dynasty, obviously a Kannadiga.

3.Krishna Devarayas ancestral language is Tulu. Krishna Devaraya is proficient in several languages.

Why are Telugu people trying to claim Krishnadevaraya was a Telugu even though he was Tulu?

The following are the reasons and we will see one by one for their claim:

  1. Krishna Devarayas’ Grand father, Tuluva Iswara Naicker was a commander of Vijaya Nagara Empire (Sangama Dynasty) serving Governor of Chandragiri, Saluva Narasimha Raya.So as his father, Tuluva Narasa Naicker.
  2. So Krishna Devarayas earlier childhood days are spent in Chandragiri (Tirupati).He is a religious person, visiting Tirupati Temple everyday during these childhood days.
  3. Krishna Devarayas ancestral language is Tulu. Krishna Devarayas childhood language is Telugu.
  4. Chandragiri at that point in time, was a capital of one of Feudatory Kingdom of Hampi Vijayanagara Empire, ruling Tamil Country, Thondai Mandalam covering present day Tirupati, Chennai, North and South Arcots upto Kanchi more precisely, north bank of Cauvery. This region was occupied by Ganpats and vacated by Commander Tuluva Ishwara Naicker-his Grand Father. Krishna Devaraya spent considerable time in Tamil Country Thondai Mandalam, (alongwith his Grand Father before) and after his coronation and so he is fluent in Tamil as well. His frequent visits included Kanchi Varadaraja Perumal Temple, Kanchi Ekamberaswar Temple, Tiruvannamalai Temple.
  5. Devaraya is proficient in several languages - ancestral language Tulu, childhood language Telugu, one of the language of his earlier profession Tamil. As a popular empire of Vijayanagara, he is proficient in Kannada. All his inscriptions are in four languaes - Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, and Sanskrit.
  6. Devaraya used to praise “Telugu” language as his favorite.His lovemate, future queen Chinnamamba was from Tirupati. Another queen is from Odisha.
  7. Krishna Devarayas coronation took place in two places- first at Tirupati Venkatadri Temple and second at Hampi.
  8. The nine houses,that helped Krishna Deva Rayalu, in maintaining the dignity and prestige of his State are predominantly Telugu houses:

Araiva itivaru,
Tuluva Doralu and Ravillavaru

These may be reasons why Telugus claim Krishna Devarayalu as a Telugu, but earlier I said, Empires do not identify with any community as they have to take all along with them for better administration.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Does Tamil Nadu alone have an issue with Hindi in whole of India?


Tamil Nadu is a leader.

Leaders with organizational set up to fight will not wait for others to join.

People in Southern states are confused.

Educated Malayalis and Telugus were already brain washed that their languages are Sanskritized and joined an elite group.

Malayalis found it handy when migrating to Gulf.

And Hyderabad, capital city of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana is an Urdu city.

Karnataka is an amalgamation of many regions, atleast 4 to 6. Every region has its own view.

Tamil Nadu is not alone, Puducherry and Some North Indian Sister states lead by Tripura also find problem.

Also people from Bhojpuri and Magadh speaking regions subtly support due to their guilt feeling of destroyed their mother tongue in last generation.

As your name is Kulkarni, from Northern Karnataka or Southern Maharashtra probably you support Hindi. Am I correct?

Monday, July 20, 2020


Were temple gopurams in South India originally colorful or is this a recent change?

Vijayanagara Emperors and their feudatories, the Naickers, introduced grand Rajagopuras or gopuras in a big way all over their Empire.

For example

Madurai Minakshi temple, Madurai

Virupaksha temple in the capital Hampi,

Simhachala Narasimha temple in Vishaka Pattinam,


Before Vijayanagara, the temples had Vimana (called Shikhara in North India).

For example

The tall tower on top of Peruvudayar Kovil, Thanjavur is Vimana not Gopura.

Shore temple of Pallavas has Vimana.

Pattadakal tower of Chalukyas is also Vimana.


Difference between Vimana and Gopura is that Vimana is atop the Garbha Grha (sanctum sanctorum), while Gopuras are at the gates.



Gopuras in most of Tamil Nadu are colorful while those outside Tamil Nadu are monochromatic. Few such well-known monochromatic temples are:

· Srishaila Mallikarjuna in Andhra

· Padmanabhaswamy temple in Trivandrum

· Srikanteshwara temple Nanjangud in Karnataka

· Belur Chennakeshava temple

One exception to colorful Tamil Nadu temples are the Northern Districts (Thondai Mandalam) of Tamil Nadu ruled by Chandragiri Rayas / Chenji Naickers.

If one drives from Bangalore to Chennai, one can notice that the temple towers of Arcot are monochromatic.

Not surprisingly, the Thiruvannamalai Arunachaleshwara Temple

Vellore Jalakanteshwara and

Kanchi Ekambareshwara temples are monochromatic.


Some temples outside Tamilnadu that have colorful towers are

Ahobila Narasimha temple in Kurnool (built with Sri Rangam influence) and

Male Mahadeshwara (right at the border)

A few colorful ones like Kapalishvara temple tower in Mylapore are new, built only in 1906.

Others like Chidambaram are old, built in 13th century. So, color in gopura is not a new thing.

Important Historical Trend in Tamil Nadu: Temples built in the areas ruled by Madurai Naickers (South of Trichy) or in areas under their cultural influence (Salem, Coimbatore, too) have brightly colored Gopuras.

Places where they never ruled or under Chandragiri Rayas / Chenji Naickers- North, South Arcot, Kanchi - have monochromatic Gopuras.

Gradually, bright colored Gopuras became the Tamil standard.


Tamils are building temples outside Tamil Nadu; their tastes are changing; they are getting influenced by non-Tamil and Western standards. A few are feeling ashamed of the colorful nature of their temple towers.

Color highlights the idols. Tamils should not use external or modern or pop standards to judge their own temples – which are some of the best in the world.

Thanks to Rajiv Satyanarayana - a Student of South Indian History.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Telugu People in Tamil Nadu

What is the percentage of Telugu Speaking People in Tamil Nadu?

1.As of 2001 census,

Tamil is spoken as the first language by 88.43% of the population.

Telugu by 5.65 percent,

Kannada by 2.68 percent

Malayalam by 0.89 percent,

Marathi by 0.1 percent

Sourashtra by 0.1 percent.

2.Some may claim that there are Telugu people who classified as Tamil in census as Telugus in Some districts in Tamil Nadu are not able to Read or Write Telugu. If we consider 1935 census of those districts of Madras State, which now under Tamil Nadu, then the Percentage would be 12.9%. The concentration is in Coimbatore, Salem, Madurai, Chengalput, North Arcot, Trichy, Ramnad, South Arcot,Tirunelveli, Chennai, Tanjore, Pudukkottai.

3.Based on these, We can infer the percentage of Telugu people in TN would be 5.7 to 12.9%

Saturday, July 18, 2020


What is Aaseevagam and when did it start? Is it a Sramana movement like Jainism and Buddhism? Did it exist before Markali Gosala?
Edson Bessa Meireles Neto


Aaseevagam of Makkali Gosala and Jainism of Vardhman Mahavir started at the similar time - there are legends attached to it of how a chemist (Mahavir) preferred over a metallurgist (Gosala) because the smell of his perfume covered several miles when Mahavir walked around.

All Sramana Movements (there are many) are contemporary. It was a fashion at that point time and creativity at the best.

But at the period of Buddha, Mahavira and Gosala itself, atleast 6.

In six who are contemporaneous:

1.Buddha is a mystic who taught as void.(Buddhism)

2.Mahavir is a mystic chemist who taught as restraint. (Jainism)

3.Makkali Gosala is a mystic alchemist(metallurgist ) who taught as fatalism.(Ajivika)

4.Purana Kassappa is an ascetic who taught as non action(Akiriyavada)

5.Ajita Kesakamabali is an ascetic who advised as to live happily (Charvaka)

6.Sanjaya Belathiputta taught as suspension of judgement (Ajnana)

There is no evident that Jainism and Aaseevagam existed before Mahavir and Makkali. These claims are created later from their followers and they differed themselves creating several sects.

There were several mystics (over 84 Maha Siddhas) in our holy land before and after Buddha, Mahavira, Gosalas, Kassappas, Ajita and Sanjayas. These mystics contributed much in philosophy, medicine, metullergy and performed miracles. In Tamil Country itself 18 mystics are found.


Edson Bessa Meireles Neto

Thank you for responding. Regarding the existance of Aaseevagam before Markali Gosala, A1 Basham and other scholars point out that Gosala only organized Aaseevagam and that it existed before.

References: History and Doctrines of Ajivikas (Al Basham).

There is a story about Gosala and Mahavira that leaves the doubt about the existence of Aaseevagam before Gosala.

“The greatest teacher of the Ājīvika order was Makkhali Gosāla. However, there are reasons to believe that he was not the founder of the order. A detailed description of interaction between Gosāla and Mahāvīra is found in the Bhagavatī Sūtra. According to this text, Gosāla and Mahāvīra had stayed together for six years and Gosāla had gathered a large following at Sāvatthi (Śrāvastī) after parting ways with Mahāvīra. Gosāla gained a high reputation due to his great character and austerity, but things changed drastically, when Mahāvīra came to Śrāvastī. Mahāvīra denounced Gosāla as a charlatan and an enraged Gosāla came with his followers to confront Mahāvīra. He declared that the Gosāla that Mahāvīra knew was dead and the person before him has the soul of Udāī Kuṇḍiyāyaṇīya, who has passed through seven bodies in succession. The name of these seven people and duration of stay of the soul of Udāī in their bodies are given as 1. Enejjaga, 22 years; 2. Mallarāma, 21 years; 3. Maṇḍiya, 20 years; 4. Roha, 19 years; 5. Bhāraddāī, 18 years; 6. Ajjuṇa Goyamaputta, 17 years; and 7. Gosāla Maṅkhaliputta, 16 years. It is conceivable that the names of the earlier teachers of the Ājīvika order are enumerated through this story. Since, the duration of stay of the soul of Udāī in each teacher decreases in a linear progression, these numbers are probably meaningless except for Makkhali Gosāla, who had headed the order for 16 years. Makkhali Gosāla was thus the eighth teacher of the Ājīvika order, starting from Udāī Kuṇḍiyāyaṇīya.”

There is that other reference to Nanda Vaccha, Kisa Samkicca, I like to analyze everything so as not to have biased judgment.

The Swiss Jarl Charpentier and others suggest the Ājīvika tradition existed in India well before the birth of Makkhali Gosala, citing a variety of ancient Indian texts.



1.Yes. These texts are written later by the follower authors by putting their minds into it.

2.I will give a latest example -with Kriya Yoga.

How we come to know? Because of Paramahansa Yogananda.

He detailed his Guru Lineage and we view Maha avatar Babaji from his sentences- who knows it is the truth or his hallucinations. His followers believe it is the truth.

If Auto Biography of a Yogi is not popular - no one knows about the lineage and immortal Baba!!! Today Babaji exists due to Auto Biography of a Yogi.

3. As mentioned above 6 Sramanas, how Aaseevagam, Buddhism and Jainism popular?

Due to political patronism.

Bindusara supported Aaseevagam.

Ashoka supported Buddhism and

His successors supported Jainism. It is like changing clothes everyday. Citizens followed the emperor.

Once patronised, crowds of scholars entered, researched further to become holy man in the eyes of emperor, even left hand sects within each branched out, Panths are formed.

That is Putting the old wine in a new bottle.

4. In our holy land there were plenty of mysticd- over 84, each claim their lineage from the day our planet come into existence.

5. Nath tradition - they also claim from Adinath- Shivnath-Navnath- their Dada Guru- Guru’s Guru- Guru etc..

6. I am neither discouraging such things nor condomning. It is much required. That is why it is said

Identify your Spiritual Purpose

When you are ready, Guru (for your dharma) will appear

Serve him with devotion

He will show the way.

It does not matter, which path you are following and whether it is ancient or not.

Even Maruti is better than Bullock cart for commuting to office.

Tractors are better than Bullocks in ploughing field. This generation is more evolved than previous.

We need to develop virtues and get rid of vices, so the guidance of Guru to quicken your journey is required.

If you believe Aaseevagam, it is a great one to follow. Move forward with it.

Bless you.

Why is #வெற்றிவேல்_வீரவேல் trending on Twitter?


Why is #வெற்றிவேல்_வீரவேல் trending on Twitter?

I am ashamed of telling you that I am a Tamil and feel so low.

1.Freedom of speech is misused in TN, by Dravidian outfits, Dalit Organizations, Foreign Missioneries and Minority religions to abuse Majorities since decades.

It is not the first time TN state faces abuses from atheists and Dalit Organizations, but does not give much importance so far.

It started slowly, initiated by Periyar with the support of DMK / ADMK Governments for decades. Then an era of sadistic thinking of incentivized Tamil scholars like Vaira Muththu on Andal and SuBaVi followed and now reached in an ugly third rated porn way.

Yes. Tamil scholars may disown now but the seed was sown by them.

Recently, Karuppar Koottam, a channel, abused Tamil God Murugan in an ugly third rated porn way.

"Karuppar Koottam channel states that it is started in Sep2017 to free humanity by removing the obstacles and finding out the root causes."

Not only Kandha Sashti Kavasam - it produced lot of videos offending various Hindu scriptures.

It has over 2 lakh subscribers, majority write vulgar language in comments and go to any extent.

2.Every action has its opposite reaction. Now the emotions are very high and leading to a majority revolt against the atheists.

The anger ratified, when no one, including the Govt and major opposition parties kept mum with their lips bonded with fevicol for several days - and the same leaders suddenly awakened with the attack on Periyar idol, have shown their true colors to the common men.

3.BJP is quickly trying to take advantage of the situation in the state, which otherwise the party does not have any presence.

It did it in Guj a couple of decades ago when majority sentiments are offended and now a formidable force in Guj.

4. Irony is that no one knows who is behind the channel.

But there are conspiracy theories.

Some say DK is behind it.

Some say DMK provides resources.

Some say Communists supports it.

Some say it is funded from Canada.

Others say some Dalit organizations are behind it.

Few claim a Tamil Muslim is the owner.

But it appears that it is started by some individuals.

Whether Periyar Kazhagams, DK, DMK, MDMK, ADMK, Communists, Vidudhalai Chiruththai accept it or not Karuppar Koottam claims that their vision is to fulfill dreams of Periyar and Ambedkar.

Majority Tamil emotions are now trending in the form of slogans



Wednesday, July 15, 2020

What can be done to abolish the Varna system and bring equality in Indian society?

 Varna System is a product of Manu prescribed in Aryavartha country.

Later it expanded in other parts from West to East and Himalyas to Vindhyas.

It will not applicable to South of Vindhyas - but many try to interpret in terms of Varna and confuse with castes.

This is one view.

Did you hear about “Law of Karma”. The Varna system has already played out, knowingly or unknowingly, in order to maintain social harmony(?) but end with revolts.

Now one has to face the consequences - whether one likes it or not.

Here is my version:

Leaving political ruling, the revolt happens whenever one group do excesses.

1.Brahmins did excesses till 3rd century. Sanskrit is the tool they used.

2.Buddhism and Jainism, made Kshatriya domination over Brahmins and Prakrit languages like Pali, Ardhmagadh over Sanskrit during 3rd to 7th century.

3.From 13th Century, Vaishyas domination took over in the form of Persian and European trades. Eurpeons come for trade and have done excessess and made India poorer. They used trade languages like Urdu/Hindi or English / French…

4.And now democracy put all equal though Brahmins claim Sudras dominance in the form form of reservation for Power and laws favouring them. Now the dominance of Computer languages belittled intelligence of Brahmins, Muscle power of Kshatrias and traveling of Vaishyas.

It is Law of Karma.

Friday, July 10, 2020

What's the difference between Aryan Brahmins and Dravidian Brahmins?

 What's the difference between Aryan Brahmins and Dravidian Brahmins?

Like this, there are several myths, due to North Indian infuences, Tamils (I replaced for Dravidians) believe, unaware of their glorious history.

Here are the Myth Busters in the lighter note:

Myth 1- Hinduism is dividing us into four varnas- Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Sudras.

#Manu is not applicable to South of Vindhyas. It is applicable to a country, South of Himalayas and North of Vindhyas. Manu blinks on all people South of Vindhyas.

#Ayyars and Ayyangars are Tamil priestly classes, with the respectable Tamil root “Ayya”. They are like Bishops, Priests, Deacons. Yes. They are like Lebbais.

Myth 2- Hinduism divide us by Caste

# Discrimination by race, ethnics and caste is worldwide phenomena. It will disappear slowly through education, urbanisation. Indian Government has implemented a tool in the form of reservation.

#Discrimination will again remain- as status by position, income, wealth etc and cannot be eliminated.

#Tamils are no exception divided by caste instead of Varnas.

- from A(yyar) to V(anniar) in Hinduism;

-RCs and CSIs in Christianity;

-Ravuththars, Maraikkayars, Lebbias in Islam.

#At the subtle levels, everyone is proud of their heriditary and tools to break them are not sufficient, though money, status, power are breaking.

I hope that I clarified.

By the way who are Aryan Brahmins? Whether they will have horns on their head?

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Why are Telugu people trying to claim Krishnadevaraya was a Telugu even though he was Tulu?

 Read with an understanding that the Geographical Boundaries exists today is different from that existed in 16th Century.

Do you think Emperors belong to any community to identify them? In most of the cases we fail, looking into their marital alliances and the circumstances from which they become an emperor.

With this background, the below are some information to digest:

1.Vijayanagara Empire is a Hindu Empire of Hampi, Present Day Karnataka. A Karnataka Empire.

2. There were 4 Dynasties ruled- Sangama, Saluva, Tuluva, Araiva iti. Krishna Devaraya belongs to Tuluva Dynasty, obviously a Kannadiga.

3.Krishna Devarayas ancestral language is Tulu. Krishna Devaraya is proficient in several languages.

Why are Telugu people trying to claim Krishnadevaraya was a Telugu even though he was Tulu?

The following are the reasons and we will see one by one for their claim:

  1. Krishna Devarayas’ Grand father, Tuluva Iswara Naicker was a commander of Vijaya Nagara Empire (Sangama Dynasty) serving Governor of Chandragiri, Saluva Narasimha Raya.So as his father, Tuluva Narasa Naicker.
  2. So Krishna Devarayas earlier childhood days are spent in Chandragiri (Tirupati).He is a religious person, visiting Tirupati Temple everyday during these childhood days.
  3. Krishna Devarayas ancestral language is Tulu. Krishna Devarayas childhood language is Telugu.
  4. Chandragiri at that point in time, was a capital of one of Feudatory Kingdom of Hampi Vijayanagara Empire, ruling Tamil Country, Thondai Mandalam covering present day Tirupati, Chennai, North and South Arcots upto Kanchi more precisely, north bank of Cauvery. This region was occupied by Ganpats and vacated by Commander Tuluva Ishwara Naicker-his Grand Father. Krishna Devaraya spent considerable time in Tamil Country Thondai Mandalam, (alongwith his Grand Father before) and after his coronation and so he is fluent in Tamil as well. His frequent visits included Kanchi Varadaraja Perumal Temple, Kanchi Ekamberaswar Temple, Tiruvannamalai Temple.
  5. Devaraya is proficient in several languages - ancestral language Tulu, childhood language Telugu, one of the language of his earlier profession Tamil. As a popular empire of Vijayanagara, he is proficient in Kannada. All his inscriptions are in four languaes - Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, and Sanskrit.
  6. Devaraya used to praise “Telugu” language as his favorite.His lovemate, future queen Chinnamamba was from Tirupati. Another queen is from Odisha.
  7. Krishna Devarayas coronation took place in two places- first at Tirupati Venkatadri Temple and second at Hampi.
  8. The nine houses,that helped Krishna Deva Rayalu, in maintaining the dignity and prestige of his State are predominantly Telugu houses:

Araiva itivaru,
Tuluva Doralu and Ravillavaru

These may be reasons why Telugus claim Krishna Devarayalu as a Telugu, but earlier I said, Empires do not identify with any community as they have to take all along with them for better administration.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Who is Maruthanayagam Pillai? Why was he rechristened Muhammad Yusuf Khan? What is his impact on Tamil Nadu?

 1.Muhammad Yusuf Khan was the one who again planned to demolish Madurai Meenakshi Amman Temple and to construct a darghah on it.

2.Muhammed Yusuf Khan, an opportunist at early age, sided with French, British and acted as a slave for the Nawab.

3.Being a local, Muhammad Yusuf Khan laid the foundation along with Chanda Shaheb for ending the Naicker rule and opened easy access to British.

4.Chanda Shaheb is well known for swearing in on Holy Quran to earn trust of Regent Queen Minakshi and killed her in Tiruchi fort. Chanda Saheb was later executed by Thanjavur Marathas.

5.Chanda Shaheb and Mohammed Ali forged the documents and heavily taken loans from East India Company.

6.Puli Thevan is a freedom fighter, who fought against the British. He ruled Nerkattum Seval, one of the favored country of Vijayanagara Empire since 14th century.

7.Muhammad Yusuf Khan fought with Puli Thevan, an Indian freedom fighter, at Nerkattum Sevel and later at Vasudeva Nallur with some wins and some defeats. Goddess Gomathy could not help Puli Thevan at the end, but one can see his meditation room in Sankaran Kovil Temple.

8.Finally, Muhammad Yusuf Khan, was hung thrice by his masters, British and the Nizam, and cut piece by piece and thrown in different parts of Tamil country.

But it is not an end.

Tamil Nadu is well known for ignoring freedom fighters like Puli Thevan and adore Villians like Muhammad Yusuf Khan and there are individuals who think differently.

One such person is Kamal Haasan.

  1. He played several roles, received several awards and one of the finest artist in India today.
  2. However, it is marred by his hate on humanity and attacking Hindu religion.
  3. Hey Ram is an example how he indulges in character assasination and to understand his way of thinking differently.
  4. His attempts to take biopic of Muhammed Yusuf Khan has shelved due to financial constraints. Unfortunately, his attempt to project Chanda Shahib and Muhammad Ali as hero's of Tamil did not materialised.

One can see Puli Thevan, a devotee of Gomathy Ambikai, in a meditation room in Sankaran Kovil Temple.

Madurai Meenakshi had destroyed the plans to convert her abode to a darghah.

It happened in 18th century. Earlier it was 14th century by Malik Kafur.

Now it is Kamal Haasan in 21st century.

Q: Is it true that Maruthanayagam Pillay tried to demolish the Madurai Meenakshi temple ?

A: In 1756, an old fakir prepare to build a dargah (Islamic tomb) for himself atop the Madurai Meenakshi Temple with the support of Burkadullah (representing Hyder Ali) and Yusuf Khan (representing British).

This has angered locals. Kallars Polygars ravaged the Muslims, Fakir expelled. Burkadullah ran for cover to Sivagangai and Yusuf Ali Khan was withdrawn by the British.

Disturbances continued to prevail in Madurai.

It is the Kallar Polygar’s fury saved the temple, otherwise Madurai could be another Madura.

Unfortunately, they were without the support due to the death of Madurai Queen and without the support of Vijayanagara empires end. It is one third of the army.

Monday, July 6, 2020

Is tamil actor Kamal Haasan overrated?

 Kamal Haasan played several roles, received several awards and one of the finest artist in India today.

I do not know whether he is Under Rated or Over Rated, but he is a failure due his over intelligence.

This is my personal view and read it with a maturity.

Tamil Nadu is well known for ignoring freedom fighters like Puli Thevan and adore Villians like Muhammad Yusuf Khan and there are individuals who think differently.

One such person is Kamal Haasan.

  1. He played several roles, received several awards and one of the finest artist in India today.
  2. However, it is marred by his hate on humanity and attacking Hindu religion.
  3. Hey Ram is an example how he indulges in character assasination and to understand his way of thinking differently.
  4. His attempts to take biopic of Muhammed Yusuf Khan has shelved due to financial constraints. Unfortunately, his attempt to project Yusuf Khan, Chanda Shahib and Muhammad Ali as hero's of Tamil did not materialise.

Many in Tamil Nadu may not be aware that Yusuf Khans time, there were plans to demolish Madurai Meenakshi Temple and build a dargah on it.

In 1756, an old fakir prepare to build a dargah (Islamic tomb) for himself atop the Madurai Meenakshi Temple with the support of Burkadullah (representing Hyder Ali, Mysore) and Yusuf Khan (representing the British).

This has angered the locals.

Unfortunately, there were no Naicker Kingdom at Madurai after the death of Madurai Regent Queen Minaxi and there was no support from Vijayanagara empire which ended at Chandra Giri in 1646.

This time the Goddess appeared in the form of mere 500 Kallar Polygar Soldiers.

Kallars Polygars, mere 500 in number, ravaged the Muslim King Burkadullah and the British commander Yusuf Khan and their forces.

Fakir expelled.

Burkadullah ran for cover to Sivagangai.

Yusuf Ali Khan was withdrawn by the British.

Disturbances continued to prevail in Madurai.

It is the Goddess in the form of Kallar Polygar’s fury saved the temple.

Otherwise Madurai could be another Madura, (Krishnas Birth place, with high security, even to worship due to demolition and construction of dargah nearby)

Unfortunately, the present Tamils like Kamal Haasan make films or biopics of Yusuf Khan (as Marudha Nayagam) to please the British Queen during her visit to India.

To think of demolishing the Madurai Meenakshi temple is an act of great treachery and the authors of this plan should never be glorified.

But here also Goddess Minaxi played the role and she ensured that the making of biopic of Yusuf Khan is shelved and not released.

She and her aboard is still alive with holy vibrations.

Madurai Meenakshi had destroyed the plans to convert her abode to a darghah.

I wonder why Tamils adore Film personalities to such an extent.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Are Tamil Nadu politicians misleading their people in the name of pride by not giving them an opportunity to learn good Hindi?

Now, I request you to ignore Politicians misleading the people in the name of pride. Just we analyse whether learning Hindi is an opportunity or not.

1.Proof is already in the Pudding: 3 or 2 - The winner is 2.

Three langauge policy is not a new one. It is in vogue since 1968.

All the States, except Puducherry, Tamil Nadu and Tripura, have implemented the Three-Language formula and three languages.

The proof is already in the pudding of data of over 5 decades.

In any of the states implemented three language policy, the mother language is badly hit. The students are neither good at their mother language, nor english or any other third language.

What is the use of making kichdi out of all languages?

In the same period, the states which followed two language policy has shown growth, in the literacy rate and quality of education.

Parents knew, which language is worth learning…..

2.Mother Tongue and its Importance: Three is too much….

Only mother tongue is in one’s unconscious. With sound words are created, and then with words thoughts are created, and then with thoughts languages, religion and philosophy, everything. Deep down in unconscious is the mother tongue. With that one can enjoy the literature etc.

Few can well verse in another useful language. It is too much for everyone in rural, simple, normal one to learn third language, unless he is passionate.

3.History: English for every one.

Unfortunately there were invasions in history of our nation.. North were forced to learn invaders persian vibrations for over 4 centuries, followed by angreji for 2 centuries. TN does not share the same history from 13th to 17th century.

South learned English for over 2 centuries from 18th-19th. Now they found it is useful to communicate globally as well as accessing resources.

As we have seen, both North and South learned English in 18th/19th, a pragmatic way to tackle the problem would be to democratize English by making it the primary medium of instruction in all Government Schools. This way, Government Schools can compete with expensive Private schools as provider of quality education. Knowledge of English is the path that large number of the poor see out of their poverty.

4.Hindi killed Many North Indian Languages:

Many of the Indian languages are almost extinct in last 5 decades, since 1968. There is slow poisining of Bhojpuri, Mythili even Rajasthani. North Indians are not illiterates by number, made illiterates by the education system adopted in North. They were forced to learn Hindi and denied their rights to learn their mother tongue. Victims are Women and rural folk, whose mother tongue are not Hindi - dropped out of school.

5.What is the way forward for this multilinguistic nation?

English for Everyone: As we have seen, both North and South learned English in 18th/19th, a pragmatic way to tackle the problem would be to democratize English by making it the primary medium of instruction in all Government Schools.

English for Everyone: This way, Government Schools can compete with expensive Private schools as provider of quality education. Knowledge of English is the path that large number of the poor see out of their poverty.

English for Everyone: Perception of English as an invaders language is fast changing, with the advent of internet. English is a tool now to get ahead and the gets the job done.

English for Everyone: The smart phone era made our Indian youth smarter with its Syntex and Grammer.

English for Everyone: Most importantly, with so much material accessible online, it would equip the youngsters with what they need for a globalized economy.

Yes. It is English for Everyone, both North and South along with their mastery over their mother tongue.

Why are many Vishnu temples in South India?

 Anjali Tiwari

You may not be aware.

There is a Famous Slogan of Shiv devotees, in Bhajans or in temples or negotiating the pilgrimage.

Thennadudaya Sivane Potri

Ennattavurkkum Iraiva Potri”

Meaning - Salutations to Siva who belongs to South country. Salutations to him as he is the God of all countries.

There are equal number of Shiv and Vishnu Temples. In addition, in TN, crowd pullers are Murugan’s abodes, especially Palani and Tiruchendur.

Majority of Vishnu Temples in South belong to Sri Vaishnavism Sect (Sri included- Sri or Thiru refers to Maha Lakshmi). There are about 108 Divya Desams, majority are in South. Divya Desams include Dwaraka, Puri, Badrinath from North…Parkkadal and Vaikundam in the other world.

If there are Nava Tirupatis, there are Nava Kailash.

Having said that, many including me, from child hood prefer Vishnu Temples because we get Theertham, Tulsi, Crowning and our favorite delicious hygenic prasadams from Ayyangars (Nala Bhogam).

Shiv temples offer only vibhuti as prasadams, reminding our futile life.

I prefer Vishnu Temple- “Soru kanda idam Swargam”


Friday, July 3, 2020

Is it fair to make Tamil and Sanskrit the national languages of India

 Is it fair to make Tamil and Sanskrit as National Languages of India?

To answer your question, many political leaders of our country experimented at state level without any success.

There are histories, two are quoted here.


What happened to Tamil in Haryana?

Many Tamils may not be knowing about Hon Ex DyPM Devilal, otherwise they would have constructed a Temple for him.

As a Tamil, if you visit Rajgarh, Samathi, of Mahatma Gandhi, do not forget to visit Devilals'.

Devilal made Tamil as second official language of Haryana when he was CM.

It remained as official language for over 40 years.

Hon Devilal, put all out efforts: appointed, Tamil Pandits,  scholars and provided other resources.Finally it is withdrawn recently.


What happened to Sanskrit in Uttarakhand, that will happen - nearing a decade, majority still speaks Kumaoni, Garhwari. They understand the first language spoken by others. Sankrit? Dev bhoomi does not know.

India’s strength is its diversity.

Do you feel, is it worth Governments at the center, state waste so much resources on Hindi, Tamil and Sanskrit and on the other hand reducing grants to IIT, IIM like institutions created in the past.

Is the idol of the deity in the Tirupati temple actually the idol of a Jain God?

 Popular post of N R Mohan on Quora with over 10000 views, 40 up votes, 4 shares in various blogs.

This is my view. Forgive me if I hurt anyone unintentionally.

Disclosure - 1. I believe, the term Hinduism is general, there are Saivism, Vaisnavism, Sakthas etc.

2.I visited many Budh Vihars including Sanchi and Jain Temples. I frequent Hutheesing Temple in Ahmedabad to worship Lord Dharmanath.

3.Religion is intertwined with politics and patronised by Ruled Kings.

Who we are there to change the past. Instead of dwelling in the past, construct a powerful temple for Jain God now and let the future generations feel proud. Is it because, Tirumala Tirupati is famous and everyone wants to identify with it?

1.Coming to Tirupati, before the middle of the century, it was a part of Tamil Mandalam, ruled by Tamil Kingdoms, mainly early Cholas and then by Vijayanagara Kingdom. The architect is a Dravidian architect and the inscriptions are in Tamil alphabets. It is relatively a small temple in comparison with other famous temples in earlier time, say Sri Rangam.

2.There is a book titled “History of Tirupati” in 3 bigger volumes at the Devasthanam ofcourse in Tamil.

3.We do have epics written by Budhdhist and Jain Scholars. In fact, one of the famous epic in Tamil is “Silappadhikaram - story of an ankle” written by a Budhdhist writer Ilango Adigal.

4.We still preserve Jain beds in Madurai, Jain schools in Kazhugumalai and many Monuments which are believed to be constructed during 3rd to 7th century AD.

5.Here the religion does not count. The rulers count. This land is divided and ruled by many kings, part by part. They have their own interest and they may change over their political career.

As an example, during Kalappiryar’a rule the court language was Prakrit. When they were defeated, the Pallavas came into Power, ruled a Part of Northern Tamil Nadu with Kanchi as the capital. Their court language transformed from Prakrit to Sanskrit.Mahendra Verma Pallava was initially a patron of the Jain faith but later to avoid the disconnect with the people, he embraced the Saiva faith. The court language was Tamil and Sanskrit. It is need of the time.

Yes, the period of Kalappirayar was termed as “Dark Age” It is also not known who the ruler, where did they come - no inscriptions.

6.Coming to Tirupati, because it is famous, even many claim, it is a Budhdhist Temple, some claim it is Jain Temple and within the Hindus, some claim this is a place of Sakthi and some claim Kaumari (Murugan). There is no end to it.

7.Better to read the “History of Tirupati” book published by the Government (it may be costing 175Rs) and take stock of inscriptions, temple architect and get convinced.


 Sai Kavin

There is a history behind it. I will tell it as a story or a legend.

You will agree, that Madurai means Meenakshi Amman Temple.

Many in Tamil Nadu may not be aware that during Yusuf Khans (read as Marudha Nayagam) time, there were plans to demolish Madurai Meenakshi Temple and build a dargah on it.

In 1756, an old fakir prepare to build a dargah (Islamic tomb) for himself atop the Madurai Meenakshi Temple with the support of Burkadullah (representing Hyder Ali, Mysore) and Yusuf Khan (representing the British).

This has angered the locals.

Unfortunately, there were no Naicker Kingdom at Madurai after the death of Madurai Regent Queen Minaxi in 1739 and there was no support from Vijayanagara empire which ended at Chandra Giri / Vellore in 1646.

This time the Goddess appeared in the form of mere 500 Kallar Polygar Soldiers.

Kallar Polygar soldiers, mere 500 in number, ravaged the Muslim King Burkadullah and the British commander Yusuf Khan and their forces.

Fakir expelled.

Burkadullah ran for cover to Sivagangai.

Yusuf Ali Khan was withdrawn by the British.

Disturbances continued to prevail in Madurai.

It is the Goddess in the form of Kallar Polygar’s fury saved the temple.

Otherwise Madurai could be another Madura, (Krishnas Birth place)

She and her aboard is still alive with holy vibrations.

Madurai Meenakshi had destroyed the plans to convert her abode to a darghah.

Ever wondered, can 500 Soldiers ravage two armies of Mysore Vassal and British forces. From that day, Madurai is called “Veeram Velanja Madurai”.

Thursday, July 2, 2020



There is a history behind it. I will tell it as a story or legend.

You will agree, that Madurai means Meenakshi Amman Temple.

Many in Tamil Nadu may not be aware that during Yusuf Khan(read as Marudha Nayagam) time, there were plans to demolish Madurai Meenakshi Temple and build a dargah on it.

In 1756, an old fakir prepare to build a dargah (Islamic tomb) for himself atop the Madurai Meenakshi Temple with the support of Burkadullah (representing Hyder Ali, Mysore) and Yusuf Khan (representing the British).

This has angered the locals.

Unfortunately, there were no Naicker Kingdom at Madurai after the death of Madurai Regent Queen Minaxi in 1739 and there was no support from Vijayanagara empire which ended at Chandra Giri / Vellore in 1646.

This time the Goddess appeared in the form of mere 500 Kallar Polygar Soldiers.

Kallar Polygar soldiers, mere 500 in number, ravaged the Muslim King Burkadullah and the British commander Yusuf Khan and their forces.

Fakir expelled.

Burkadullah ran for cover to Sivagangai.

Yusuf Ali Khan was withdrawn by the British.

Disturbances continued to prevail in Madurai.

It is the Goddess in the form of Kallar Polygar’s fury saved the temple.

Otherwise Madurai could be another Madura, (Krishnas Birth place)

She and her aboard is still alive with holy vibrations.

Madurai Meenakshi had destroyed the plans to convert her abode to a darghah.

Ever wondered, can 500 Soldiers ravage two armies of Mysore Vassal and British forces. From that day, Madurai is called “Veeram Velanja Madurai”.

Why are temples considered as a tourist place in India? Where worship is done regularly or occasionally?


  1. Yes. It is called “Pilgrimage” in ancient times, if you are an outsider. If you are not comfortable, you may call it as a tourist place.
  2. Worship is not mandatory in Temples. But you may.
  3. Temples are constructed as per agamic principles. They are constructed as Energy Centres and in alignment with certain cosmic vibratíons. Agamas are prevedic and science of space or place in time-space interactions. Not only temples, it is applicable to certain pilgrimage places like Kasi, Rameswaram.
  4. Simply visit and sit in temples without any thought. You will be taken to your desire with little efforts or no effort on your own.
  5. Next time when you visit a temple, remember these and make your life as a celebration.

Dravidian Models

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